During the 69th Legislative Assembly, North Dakota Democratic-NPL Insider will provide updates and calls to action each day of the regular session. If you would like to have something added to the newsletter, email us at [email protected]. Spread the word of our newsletter by sharing our sign-up link today: https://demnpl.com/join-our-newsletter/.
The North Dakota Legislative Session is fast-paced and every bill gets a vote unless it's withdrawn. Are there bills you want to know more about or bills that you are following that you think should get more attention? Please let us know!
Rep. Eric Murphy’s (R-43) bill (HB 1358) to legalize public charter schools in North Dakota was met with opposition. Nick Archuleta of ND United pointed out in his testimony that, “Of all charter schools that have been active since 2000, 25% closed within six years of opening, usually due to inferior performance or financial mismanagement.”
Democratic-NPL Bills
Sen. Tim Mathern's (D-11) bill (SB 2298) to create a broad-based homestead tax credit style program without any age, income, or status restrictions was heard in the Senate Finance and Taxation Committee.
What's coming up?
Sen. Bob Paulson (R-3) has a bill (SB 2244) that ostensibly affirms a parent's fundamental rights to direct their children’s education, health care, and mental health. This already is codified in ND law; this bill as one woman's testimony outlines is "unnecessary, unreasonable and impossible to enforce and puts additional strain and stress on our already burdened school systems."
Democratic-NPL Bills
Sen. Ryan Braunberger (D-10) will present three bills to protect renters in North Dakota. SB 2235 and SB 2236 seek to improve clarity and fairness in rental agreements. Under the third (SB 2237), the Labor Commissioner would be empowered to receive and investigate tenant complaints. Braunberger will also present a bill to update outdated, gender-specific terms in ND Century Code such as “husband and wife” with inclusive terminology like “two individuals married to each other” or “spouses." In his testimony, Braunberger writes, Members of the Judiciary Committee, this bill is not just about changing words; it is about changing lives. It is about ensuring that our laws reflect the values of equality, respect, and dignity that we hold dear. By embracing these amendments, we send a clear message: North Dakota is a state that values fairness and recognizes the humanity of all its citizens."
Sen. Josh Boschee's (D-44) bill (SB 2229) which would require timely disclosure of key documents to buyers before the purchase of a condominium unit or property within a homeowner’s association (HOA) or condominium project, will be heard in the Senate Industry and Business Committee.
Rep. Karla Rose Hanson's (D-44) bills protect access to birth control (HB 1478) and IVF (HB 1477) will be heard in the House Human Services Committee.
Sen. Ryan Braunberger (D-10) will present SB 2263 to make a one-time appropriation of $500,000 from the general fund will empower schools to adopt innovative and sustainable approaches to student learning to the Senate Workforce Development Committee.
Sen. Josh Boschee (D-44) will present two bills: one (SB 2239) to establish an apprenticeship grant program and another (SB 2254) to provide additional funding for municipal fixed bus routes and request a study to see what additional funding cities need for their transportation networks.
Rep. Collette Brown (D-9) will present a bill (HB 1521) to allow the motor vehicle excise tax exemption for enrolled tribal members to apply regardless of whether someone's primary residence is within the boundaries of a reservation or not to the House Transportation Committee.
Help us spread our message—share these recent posts!
Executive Order Freezes Federal Aid
Erin Prochnow with the YWCA joins Afternoons Live with Tyler Axness to discuss this freeze in funds and why it might adversely effect vulnerable members of our community.
What Does the Freeze of Federal Funds Mean to North Dakota?
Kathy Hogan, Dem-NPL State Senator, is on Afternoons Live with Tyler Axness to discuss the freeze of funds and what it means to several state agencies.
North Dakota House advances bill requiring school cellphone policy
North Dakota school districts would be required to develop a cellphone policy but retain control over what is in that policy under a bill passed Monday by the House.
House Bill 1160 originally banned cellphone use by public school students during class but was made less restrictive.
Requiring public comment period at local meetings debated at North Dakota Legislature
North Dakota school boards pushed back on a Senate bill that would require public comment periods during regular meetings of local subdivisions.
Every bill is voted on in the North Dakota legislature, but first, it must go through a committee hearing. The committee will vote to give the bill a "Do Pass" or a "Do Not Pass" recommendation. Below is a list of Standing Committees this legislative session.
Senate Standing Committee Members
Meets Thursday and Friday
Meets Monday through Friday
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Meets Thursday and Friday
Desiree Van Oosting (R-36)
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Desiree Van Oosting (R-36)
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Meets Thursday and Friday
Meets Thursday and Friday
Meets Thursday and Friday
House Standing Committee Members
Meets Thursday and Friday
Gretchen Dobervich (D-11)
Cynthia Schreiber-Beck (R-25)
Meets Monday through Friday
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Cynthia Schreiber-Beck (R-25)
Patrick R. Hatlestad (R-1)
Meets Thursday and Friday
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Mike Motschenbacher (R-47)
Meets Thursday and Friday
Gretchen Dobervich (D-11)
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Lisa Finley-DeVille (D-4A)
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Lawrence R. Klemin (R-47)
Meets Thursday and Friday
Patrick R. Hatlestad (R-1)
Lawrence R. Klemin (R-47)
Mike Motschenbacher (R-47)
Meets Thursday and Friday
Lisa Finley-DeVille (D-4A)
The Century Club supports our year-round work to build party infrastructure supporting candidate recruitment, local district and regional leadership, issue-based education, and tools for Dem-NPL success.
Help us elect great Democrats up and down the ballot!
The North Dakota Democratic-NPL is launching a new grassroots program called “Neighbor to Neighbor” where volunteers will connect with voters in your community to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for connecting with voters in 25 homes in your neighborhood or friends and family to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot about 3-4 times this year.
Grassroots organizers are the lifeblood of the Dem-NPL! Sign up to volunteer with the Dem-NPL!