During the 69th Legislative Assembly, North Dakota Democratic-NPL Insider will provide updates and calls to action each day of the regular session. If you would like to have something added to the newsletter, email us at [email protected]. Spread the word of our newsletter by sharing our sign-up link today: https://demnpl.com/join-our-newsletter/.

What happened today?

Presidential Candidate Names - HB 1099
Rep. Liz Conmy (D-11) introduced her bill to make it so that both a presidential candidate’s first and last name would appear on the ballot. This would add clarity for voters!

What's coming up?

Tell Your Representatives to Vote "YES" on the Ethics Commission Bill!
HB 1046 will likely go up for a vote to the full house TOMORROW. ND Ethics Commission to issue advisory opinions of its own volition. It received a "Do Not Pass" recommendation from the House Judiciary Committee.
10 Commandments Bill
Tomorrow morning, Rep. Jeff Hoverson (R-3) will introduce his House Judiciary Committee will hear the bill to FORCE every classroom (including college classrooms) to post the 10 Commandments and goes as far as specifying the exact wording and size. This bill is unconstitutional and would cause costly litigation for the state.
Bring Back Blue Laws Bill
Do you like having the ability to shop on Sunday mornings? Well, that might become illegal soon! On Wednesday, January 15 Rep. Matthew Heilman (R-7) will introduce a bill to bring back North Dakota's blue laws to the House Industry, Business and Labor Committee.

Democratic-NPL Bills

Wednesday, January 15
Rep. LaurieBeth Hager (D-21) will introduce HB 1108 which would allow HHS to contract with mental health and substance use disorder providers in border states for folks on parole or probation. This is currently prohibited.

Sen. Tim Mathern (D-11) will introduce two bills: SB 2094 regarding workers' compensation and SB 2099 regarding cardiac arrest prevention and education for student athletes and coaches.

Pastor Jack shares his thoughts on the 10 Commandments being put in public schools

Joel Heitkamp is joined by Pastor Jack Carlson from Grace Lutheran Church in Ada, MN to talk about the use of the 10 Commandments in public schools.

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North Dakota lawmakers role-play life after prison

During the program, each public official was given a packet assigning them a name and criminal history, as well as details on their employment and housing situation.

Every packet also contained a chart giving them tasks to complete — like going to treatment or support groups, getting groceries or paying rent. Tasks were timed, and neglecting to complete certain responsibilities could send them to jail, the hospital or the homeless shelter.

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Letter: Say 'no' to mandatory sentences

Wrigley would better serve the citizens of North Dakota if his focus was on building a solution for capacity versus adding more defendants to an overwhelmed system.

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Zaleski: Say ‘no’ to theft from schools

Plans being considered often are, as Senate Minority Leader Kathy Hogan of Fargo said, pre-packaged bills from out-of-state special interests that are waging “culture wars,” and are hostile to public education. Rather than seek to improve public schools, they press to undermine them, thus making it more difficult for public schools to maintain high standards in an increasingly challenging educational environment. Why would lawmakers sign on to anything like that? Unless they are lackeys for the movement trying to sabotage public education.

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Letter: The Ten Commandments bill is creating an issue from nothing

This would be another unfunded mandate for the schools and universities. The Legislature is supposed to be tackling property taxes, but now this bill wants to force school districts to find more money in tight budgets to post the Ten Commandments.

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Bill in North Dakota House would seal certain court records; courts, media oppose legislation

House Bill 1166 would seal criminal court records in certain cases involving defendants who were found not guilty, had their cases dismissed, or were pardoned by the governor. The bill also would allow defendants found guilty of a felony to petition a judge for closure of records if that person hadn't been convicted of any new criminal offenses for at least five years. People convicted of misdemeanor offenses would have an opportunity to petition for closure of records in their cases after three years.

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Every bill is voted on in the North Dakota legislature, but first, it must go through a committee hearing. The committee will vote to give the bill a "Do Pass" or a "Do Not Pass" recommendation. Below is a list of Standing Committees this legislative session.

Senate Standing Committee Members

Agriculture and Veterans Affairs
Meets Thursday and Friday
Richard Marcellais (D-9)
Larry Luick (R-35)
Janne Myrdal (R-19)
Randy D. Lemm (R-20)
Mark F. Weber (R-22)
Kent Weston (R-15)

Meets Monday through Friday
Tim Mathern (D-11)
Brad Bekkedahl (R-1)
Robert Erbele (R-28)
Randy A. Burckhard (R-5)
Sean Cleary (R-35)
Cole Conley (R-12)
Kyle Davison (R-41)
Dick Dever (R-32)
Michael Dwyer (R-47)
Jeffery J. Magrum (R-8)
Scott Meyer (R-18)
Donald Schaible (R-31)
Jonathan Sickler (R-17)
Ronald Sorvaag (R-45)
Paul J. Thomas (R-6)
Terry M. Wanzek (R-29)

Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Josh Boschee (D-44)
Todd Beard (R-23)
Randy D. Lemm (R-20)
Michelle Axtman (R-7)
Justin Gerhardt (R-34)
Mike Wobbema (R-24)

Energy and Natural Resources
Meets Thursday and Friday
Dale Patten (R-26)
Greg Kessel (R-39)
Todd Beard (R-23)
Keith Boehm (R-33)
Mark Enget (R-2)
Justin Gerhardt (R-34)
Desiree Van Oosting (R-36)

Finance and Taxation
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Richard Marcellais (D-9)
Mark F. Weber (R-22)
Dean Rummel (R-39)
Dale Patten (R-26)
Michelle Powers (R-46)
Chuck Walen (R-4)
Human Services
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Kathy Hogan (D-21)
Judy Lee (R-13)
Kent Weston (R-15)
David A. Clemens (R-16)
Kristin Roers (R-27)
Desiree Van Oosting (R-36)

Industry and Business
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Jeff Barta (R-43)
Keith Boehm (R-33)
Mark Enget (R-2)
Greg Kessel (R-39)
Jerry Klein (R-14)

Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Ryan Braunberger (D-10)
Diane Larson (R-30)
Bob Paulson (R-3)
Jose L. Castaneda (R-40)
Claire Cory (R-42)
Larry Luick (R-25)
Janne Myrdal (R-19)

State and Local Government
Meets Thursday and Friday
Ryan Braunberger (D-10)
Kristin Roers (R-27)
Jose L. Castaneda (R-40)
Jeff Barta (R-43)
Judy Lee (R-13)
Chuck Walen (R-4)

Meets Thursday and Friday
Kathy Hogan (D-21)
David A. Clemens (R-16)
Claire Cory (R-42)
Jerry Klein (R-14)
Bob Paulson (R-3)
Dean Rummel (R-37)

Workforce Development
Meets Thursday and Friday
Josh Boschee (D-44)
Mike Wobbema (R-24)
Michelle Axtman (R-7)
Diane Larson (R-30)
Michelle Powers (R-46)

House Standing Committee Members

Meets Thursday and Friday
Gretchen Dobervich (D-11)
Mike Beltz (R-20)
Dori Hauck (R-36)
Karen A. Anderson (R-19)
Donna Henderson (R-15)
Dawson Holle (R-31)
Jeff Hoverson (R-3)
Dwight Kiefert (R-24)
Dennis Nehring (R-23)
SuAnn Olson (R-8)
Nico Rios (R-23)
Cynthia Schreiber-Beck (R-25)
Bill Tveit (R-33)
Daniel R. Vollmer (R-6)

Meets Monday through Friday
Karla Rose Hanson (D-44)
Alisa Mitskog (D-25)
Don Vigesaa (R-29)
Keith Kempenich (R-39)
Bert Anderson (R-2)
Mike Berg (R-8)
Glenn Bosch (R-30)
Mike Brandenburg (R-28)
Jay Fisher (R-5)
Scott Louser (R-5)
Bob Martinson (R-35)
Lisa Meier (R-32)
David Monson (R-19)
Eric J. Murphy (R-43)
Mike Nathe (R-30)
Jon O. Nelson (R-14)
Emily O'Brien (R-42)
Brandy L. Pyle (R-22)
David Richter (R-1)
Mark Sanford (R-17)
Gregory Stemen (R-27)
Steve Swiontek (R-10)
Scott Wagner (R-45)

Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Liz Conmy (D-11)
LaurieBeth Hager (D-21)
Pat D. Heinert (R-32)
Cynthia Schreiber-Beck (R-25)
Patrick R. Hatlestad (R-1)
Matthew Heilman (R-7)
Jim Jonas (R-13)
Donald W. Longmuir (R-2)
Roger A. Maki (R-26)
Andrew Marschall (R-16)
Desiree Morton (R-46)
Anna S. Novak (R-33)
Doug Osowski (R-42)

Energy and Natural Resources
Meets Thursday and Friday
Liz Conmy (D-11)
Austin Foss (D-44)
Todd Porter (R-34)
Dick Anderson (R-6)
Anna S. Novak (R-33)
Jason Dockter (R-7)
Jared C. Hagert (R-20)
Craig Headland (R-29)
Pat D. Heinert (R-32)
Jorin Johnson (R-41)
Andrew Marschall (R-16)
Jeremy L. Olson (R-26)
Matthew Ruby (R-40)

Finance and Taxation
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Austin Foss (D-44)
Zachary Ista (D-43)
Craig Headland (R-29)
Jared C. Hagert (R-20)
Dick Anderson (R-6)
Jason Dockter (R-7)
Ty Dressler (R-36)
Jim Grueneich (R-28)
Mike Motschenbacher (R-47)
Dennis Nehring (R-23)
Jeremy L. Olson (R-26)
Todd Porter (R-34)
Vicky Steiner (R-37)
Nathan Toman (R-34)
Government and Veterans Affairs
Meets Thursday and Friday
Collette Brown (D-9)
Mary Schneider (D-21)
Austen Schauer (R-13)
Bernie Satrom (R-12)
Landon Bahl (R-17)
Josh Christy (R-27)
Karen Grindberg (R-41)
Karen Karls (R-25)
Carrie McLeod (R-45)
Karen M. Rohr (R-31)
Vicky Steiner (R-37)
Lori VanWinkle (R-3)
Steve Vetter (R-18)
Christina Wolff (R-38)

Human Services
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Jayme Davis (D-9)
Gretchen Dobervich (D-11)
Matthew Ruby (R-40)
Kathy Frelich (R-15)
Karen A. Anderson (R-19)
Mike Beltz (R-20)
Macy Bolinske (R-40)
Clayton Fegley (R-4B)
Jared Hendrix (R-10)
Dawson Holle (R-31)
Dwight Kiefert (R-24)
Nico Rios (R-23)
Karen M. Rohr (R-31)

Industry, Business and Labor
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Collette Brown (D-9)
Lisa Finley-DeVille (D-4A)
Jonathan Warrey (R-22)
Jorin Johnson (R-41)
Mitch Ostlie (R-12)
Landon Bahl (R-17)
Josh Christy (R-27)
Karen Grindberg (R-41)
Jim Kasper (R-46)
Ben Koppelman (R-16)
Dan Ruby (R-38)
Mike Schatz (R-39)
Austen Schauer (R-13)
Daniel R. Vollmer (R-6)

Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Mary Schneider (D-21)
Lawrence R. Klemin (R-47)
Karen Karls (R-35)
Steve Vetter (R-18)
Nels Christianson (R-18)
Donna Henderson (R-15)
Jeff Hoverson (R-3)
Daniel Johnston (R-24)
Carrie McLeod (R-45)
SuAnn Olson (R-8)
Bernie Satrom (R-12)
Bill Tveit (R-33)
Lori VanWinkle (R-3)
Christina Wolff (R-38)

Political Subdivisions
Meets Thursday and Friday
Jayme Davis (D-9)
LaurieBeth Hager (D-21)
Donald W. Longmuir (R-2)
Clayton Fegley (R-4B)
Jim Jonas (R-13)
Macy Bolinske (R-40)
Patrick R. Hatlestad (R-1)
Matthew Heilman (R-7)
Lawrence R. Klemin (R-47)
Mike Motschenbacher (R-47)
Mitch Ostlie (R-12)
Nathan Toman (R-34)
Jonathan Warrey (R-22)

Meets Thursday and Friday
Lisa Finley-DeVille (D-4A)
Dan Ruby (R-38)
Jim Grueneich (R-28)
Nels Christianson (R-18)
Ty Dressler (R-36)
Kathy Frelich (R-15)
Jared Hendrix (R-10)
Daniel Johnston (R-24)
Jim Kasper (R-46)
Ben Koppelman (R-16)
Roger A. Maki (R-26)
Desiree Morton (R-46)
Doug Osowski (R-42)
Mike Schatz (R-39)
The Century Club supports our year-round work to build party infrastructure supporting candidate recruitment, local district and regional leadership, issue-based education, and tools for Dem-NPL success.
Help us elect great Democrats up and down the ballot!
The North Dakota Democratic-NPL is launching a new grassroots program called “Neighbor to Neighbor” where volunteers will connect with voters in your community to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for connecting with voters in 25 homes in your neighborhood or friends and family to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot about 3-4 times this year.
Grassroots organizers are the lifeblood of the Dem-NPL! Sign up to volunteer with the Dem-NPL!

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