During the 69th Legislative Assembly, North Dakota Democratic-NPL Insider will provide updates and calls to action each day of the regular session. If you would like to have something added to the newsletter, email us at [email protected]. Spread the word of our newsletter by sharing our sign-up link today: https://demnpl.com/join-our-newsletter/.
What happened today?
The House and the Senate gaveled in for the second time hence the “Day 2” of the legislative session.
Every bill passed with little opposition, however, one that received a surprising amount of discussion on the House Floor was HB 1047, which would provide more than ten hours of post-trial psychological counseling, without charge, to a juror or alternate juror who served on a trial jury in a trial involving extraordinarily graphic, gruesome, or emotional evidence or testimony.
Ultimately 11 House members voted against it. Macy Bolinske (R-40), Jay Fisher (R-5), Donna Henderson (R-15), Jim Kasper (R-46), David Monson (R-19), Desiree Morton (R-46), Dennis Nehring (R-23), Dan Ruby (R-38), Steve Vetter (R-18), Daniel Vollmer (R-6), Christina Wolff (R-38).
What's coming up?
Democratic-NPL Bills
Rep. Liz Conmy (D-11) will introduce HB 1099 to the House Judiciary Committee. This bill would make it so that both a presidential candidate’s first and last name would appear on the ballot. Currently, it is just the last name.
Rep. LaurieBeth Hager (D-21) will introduce HB 1108 which would allow HHS to contract with mental health and substance use disorder providers in border states for folks on parole or probation. This is currently prohibited.
Sen. Tim Mathern (D-11) will introduce two bills: SB 2094 regarding workers' compensation and SB 2099 regarding cardiac arrest prevention and education for student athletes and coaches.
Tell Your Representatives to Vote "YES" on the Ethics Commission Bill!
HB 1046, which would allow the ND Ethics Commission to issue advisory opinions of its own volition, received a "Do Not Pass" recommendation from the House Judiciary Committee. Of the committee members, only Representative Mary Schneider (D-21) voted to support the bill. (She's also the only Democrat on the committee.) North Dakota Republican Lawmakers always seem to have qualms about ethics!
Should we Force Schools to Post the 10 Commandments in Every Classroom?
Souris Valley Dem-NPL January Monthly Meeting
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 – 6:00 PM Parker Center
Join the Souris Valley Dem-NPL at our January Monthly Meeting! All Democrats and Nonpartisan Leaguers in Minot and the surrounding area are welcome as we discuss news and upcoming events.
We will be meeting at the Parker Center (21 1st Ave SE, Minot, ND) on Tuesday, January 14th. There will be a social from 6PM – 6:30PM followed by the meeting from 6:30PM – 7:30PM.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Inauguration Night Solidarity Social
Monday, January 20, 2025 – 5:00 PM Fargo Labor Temple 3002 1st Avenue North, Fargo
Everyone is welcome to join us! There will be food and beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic options), games, merch, and karaoke! While we hoped for another Democratic administration, the country voted otherwise and our hard work continues. Join us as we rise up to hold our democracy! There is plenty of parking, come whenever works for your schedule. If Karaoke is your thing, that will start around 7. This is a family friendly event and everyone is invited!
District 44 Public Forum
Saturday, January 25, 2025 – 10:00 AM Northport Library Community Room 2714 Broadway North, Fargo
Sen. Josh Boschee and Reps. Karla Rose Hanson and Austin Foss will provide updates about the session and take questions.
District 36, 37, and 39 Reorganizations
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 – 7:00 PM District 24 Headquarters 200 N. Central Ave. Valley City
District Reorganization is a great time to get involved in your local Democratic-NPL Party! District 24 consists of all of Barnes and Ransom Counties.
District 24 Reorganization
Sunday, February 16, 2025 – 2:00 PM District 24 Headquarters 200 N. Central Ave. Valley City
District Reorganization is a great time to get involved in your local Democratic-NPL Party! District 24 consists of all of Barnes and Ransom Counties.
Help us spread our message—share these posts from the past week!
Report finds LGBTQ+ youth in ND at higher risk
“My hope is that policymakers, educators, and community members, read the report and consider how they can support our LGBTQ+ youth,” Seidler said. “Even one trusted and supportive adult can make a big impact.”
Letter: Those polled approve of free school lunches, disapprove of funding private schools
Another key takeaway is the impressive support for universal free school meals among poll respondents. In fact, 79% of those surveyed said they strongly support or somewhat support universal free school meals in ND’s schools. Providing free meals can save many working families hundreds of dollars each year and make sure that kids can focus on learning and not worry about being hungry.
North Dakota Ethics Commission receives early pushback in legislative hearing
“We have consistent questions that come up, but nobody kind of gets around to asking for the advisory opinion,” Executive Director Rebecca Binstock said during a Wednesday hearing before the House Judiciary Committee. “In those instances, the commission would like to say something has come to its attention multiple times, and so let’s go ahead and provide some clarity on this situation.”
North Dakotans with diabetes advocate for insulin price caps
Nina Kritzberger, 16, said living with Type 1 diabetes is to live a life of uncertainty. Though her family’s insurance plan covers part of her expenses, she doesn’t know what kind of coverage she’ll have as an adult.
“There’s one thing in the back of my mind that I think about every day: If this bill doesn’t pass, I might not be here in the future,” Kritzberger, who lives in Hillsboro, said Thursday.
Danelle Johnson of Horace said both she and her daughter, Danika, live with diabetes. She told lawmakers her family still spends thousands of dollars on diabetes-related expenses “It’s been over $10,000 every year since my daughter has been diagnosed,” she said.
Letter: The Ten Commandments bill is un-Christian
As the attack on all our rights get underway, it's a good time to start calling your representatives, especially if they're Republicans and especially if you are, and let them know you're appalled by something so un-American and so un-Christian.
Letter: North Dakota politicians should resist the urge to legislate private, medical decisions
Abortion bans – including the one here in North Dakota - are unpopular because they undermine personal autonomy, jeopardize health, and dismiss complex circumstances like rape or fetal anomalies. The freedom to make personal, private medical decisions is necessary to ensure the inalienable right to life, liberty and happiness. Abortion is a deeply personal decision that should stay between a patient and their provider, without intrusion by the government.
Port: The culture war bills are back at North Dakota's Legislature
House Bill 1150, introduced by Rep. Matthew Heilman, a Republican from Bismarck, seeks to bring back North Dakota's blue laws, which are prohibitions on conducting business on the Christian holy day. It would prohibit citizens from conducting "business or labor for profit in the usual manner and location" from midnight to noon on Sundays, or "operate a place of business open to the public."
Landowners appeal Summit carbon storage decision
A group of North Dakota landowners is appealing the state’s approval of an underground carbon storage area for Summit Carbon Solutions, the company attempting to build the world’s largest carbon capture and storage project.
How Trump Re-Wrote the History of January 6
In the aftermath of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol in January 2021, politicians, pundits, and the American public condemned the violence—while many considered Donald Trump responsible for what had happened. In a few weeks, Trump will be sworn in for a second term at the very same place rioters overran four years ago. For this midweek podcast extra, host Micah Loewinger sat down with Dan Barry, senior writer at The New York Times and co-author of the recent article, "'A Day of Love': How Trump Inverted the Violent History of Jan. 6," to talk about how Trump and his allies diligently worked to rewrite the American memory of that day, and why they were so successful.
Jimmy Carter's funeral service in Washington, D.C. | full video
Mourners gathered at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., for the final farewell to former President Jimmy Carter on Thursday. President Biden delivered a eulogy for Carter who died in late December at age 100. The 39th president's casket had been in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda to lie in state.
Economy poised for a solid year in 2025. But these Trump plans could slow growth.
The U.S. economy and job market are expected to cool in 2025 but still turn in another year of solid growth as inflation eases further, forecasters say.
But as a result of President-elect Donald Trump’s dueling policy agendas, the outlook is leavened with an unusual dose of uncertainty.
Trump’s plans to impose massive tariffs and deport millions of immigrants who lack permanent legal status are likely to reignite inflation and dampen economic growth, according to forecasters. Yet his pledge to extend and expand the sweeping tax cuts passed in his first term and ease the regulatory burden on businesses could juice the economy and have mixed effects on inflation.
DNC Takes Legal Action in NC Court to Stop GOP’s Attempt to Overturn Free and Fair Elections
Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement:
“For months, North Carolina Republicans have attempted to steal an election in plain sight at taxpayers’ expense, seeking to throw away some 60,000 lawful votes cast in the race for North Carolina Supreme Court justice. Today, the Democratic National Committee announced its intervention on behalf of the North Carolina voters who, through a free and fair election, elected Justice Allison Riggs to the state Supreme Court. While Republicans attempt to suppress the votes of their constituents, Democrats will use every tool at our disposal to ensure that voters determine elections – not politicians. On November 5, North Carolina voters elected Justice Allison Riggs. Their voices will be heard.”
Every bill is voted on in the North Dakota legislature, but first, it must go through a committee hearing. The committee will vote to give the bill a "Do Pass" or a "Do Not Pass" recommendation. Below is a list of Standing Committees this legislative session.
Senate Standing Committee Members
Meets Thursday and Friday
Meets Monday through Friday
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Meets Thursday and Friday
Desiree Van Oosting (R-36)
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Desiree Van Oosting (R-36)
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Meets Thursday and Friday
Meets Thursday and Friday
Meets Thursday and Friday
House Standing Committee Members
Meets Thursday and Friday
Gretchen Dobervich (D-11)
Cynthia Schreiber-Beck (R-25)
Meets Monday through Friday
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Cynthia Schreiber-Beck (R-25)
Patrick R. Hatlestad (R-1)
Meets Thursday and Friday
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Mike Motschenbacher (R-47)
Meets Thursday and Friday
Gretchen Dobervich (D-11)
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Lisa Finley-DeVille (D-4A)
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Lawrence R. Klemin (R-47)
Meets Thursday and Friday
Patrick R. Hatlestad (R-1)
Lawrence R. Klemin (R-47)
Mike Motschenbacher (R-47)
Meets Thursday and Friday
Lisa Finley-DeVille (D-4A)
The Century Club supports our year-round work to build party infrastructure supporting candidate recruitment, local district and regional leadership, issue-based education, and tools for Dem-NPL success.
Help us elect great Democrats up and down the ballot!
The North Dakota Democratic-NPL is launching a new grassroots program called “Neighbor to Neighbor” where volunteers will connect with voters in your community to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for connecting with voters in 25 homes in your neighborhood or friends and family to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot about 3-4 times this year.
Grassroots organizers are the lifeblood of the Dem-NPL! Sign up to volunteer with the Dem-NPL!