Welcome to a very special Democratic Nation Convention wrap up the North Dakota Democratic-NPL Insider! If you would like to have something added to the newsletter, email us at [email protected]. Spread the word of our newsletter by sharing our sign-up link today: https://demnpl.com/join-our-newsletter/.

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If there is one thing this election cycle has taught us, it's to expect the unexpected. North Dakota WILL turn heads on November 5 with you! Our Coordinated Campaign is up and running and you can help us expand our reach!

Join us for an evening of fun

You are not gonna want to miss the 14th Annual Burdick Dinner this year! On September 14, 2024, Rachel Bitecofer, a political scientist and election forecaster turned political strategist who authored "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts" will join us in Fargo!

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison said of her book, "To protect democracy and elect pro-democracy candidates, we must go on offense, and this book is the guide to do just that!"

The North Dakota Delegation on the first night of the DNC!

Delegation Chair Kylie Oversen, Sen. Kathy Hogan, and Rep. Mary Schneider are ready for Day 4 of Convention!

Democrats say the party is more energized than ever heading into day 2 of the DNC

“She clearly made a choice one who could be the best President if she can’t serve and two and who’s going to be a partner to help her win this election, Tim Walz does that,” said DNC Committeeman Jamie Selzler.

Democrats went on by questioning former President Trumps running mate, Ohio Senator JD Vance “JD Vance is a bit grumpy and rough and mean spirited,” said North Dakota House Representative Mary Schnieder.

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ND DNC Committeewoman Ruth Buffalo serves on the DNC Native American Caucus. Sen. Cory Booker spoke to the Caucus during Convention!

Past, present Indigenous elected leaders endorse Kamala Harris

Another plus for Buffalo is that Harris has a history of prosecuting violent crimes against women and girls.

“Just being born into a unique political relationship, and status with the federal government, we have to find ways to have advocates, and champions that can help carry our message forward, so that we can address the long standing issues like missing and murdered,” Buffalo said.

Current North Dakota State Rep. Lisa Finley-DeVille, Mandan and Hidatsa, was a big supporter of President Joe Biden and his reelection campaign.

“Biden is actually the one that I supported, because he’s done so much for where I’m from, on the environment, and all the policies that we have been fighting for, for the past 15 years, because we live with oil and gas,” Finley-Deville said. “He has done tremendous things for us.”

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ND DNC Committeewoman Ruth Buffalo and Delegates Will Thompson, Landis Larson, and Matuor Alier are read for the evening's proceedings!

Democratic National Convention wrap up with Heidi and Joel Heitkamp

Joel Heitkamp is in Chicago for the Democratic National Convention, and is joined by former United States Senator, Heidi Heitkamp to discuss it. They were at the convention to see the historic speeches, including hearing from Vice President Kamala Harris, and they share sounds from the convention as well.

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North Dakota's own DNC Chief of Staff Libby Schneider addresses our delegation breakfast!

DNC Rural Council Chair from North Dakota discusses rural Democrats at convention

“They are excited about the Harris/Walz ticket. They are excited, particularly about Governor Tim Walz and the values and common sense that he brings to this ticket. His background of course, coming from a rural community and living in a rural community, is really meaningful to the Democrats that are here. I think that we’ve seen people excited about celebrating the investments that the Biden/Harris administration made and knowing that that investment that prioritizing rural America will continue under a Harris/Walz administration,” said Oversen.

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ND Delegation Chair Kylie Oversen chairs the DNC Rural Council. Gwen Walz spoke to the Council on Tuesday!

Bismarck delegate discusses experience at Democratic National Convention

Hart said his schedule each day before going to the arena in the later afternoon consists of attending different caucuses and councils. He said that’s where everyone comes together to discuss issues like rural America and women’s rights.

“That’s the boots on the ground organizing that the DNC is doing to invest in all the 50 states and seven territories, and that’s what’s really happening during the day,” said Hart.
The energy at this convention has been noticeable, and Hart said when you’re there in person, it is an incredible feeling.

“We’re seeing an energy in the United Center that’s really raising everyone up, providing a government that is transparent, that works for everyone, and I really think that’s the highlight,” said Hart.

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Former North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp talks rural America at the DNC

Heitkamp said the energy at the convention is incredible. She focused mainly on the rural Democrats, saying they are ready to come out of the shadows and talk about why they are proud to be Democrats. Heitkamp said for many years when she would walk into rural America, many people recognized her. However, she said they would just whisper, “I know you.” She said they would never go to the coffee shop and talk about it openly.

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Heidi Heitkamp moderated a DNC Rural Council Panel on Rural Reproductive Healthcare access including North Dakota's own Tammi Kromenaker!

North Dakota Democratic-NPL National Committeeman talks first night of convention of DNC

There was a lot of energy in the room. Democratic-NPL National Committeeman Jamie Selzler said he has never seen anything quite like this.

“From the moment the convention started, there was an energy level that you could feel in the room. It really went to an extreme when Kamala Harris walked in just after 8 p.m.,” said Selzler.

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Delegate Matuor Alier with his wife Agnes and daughter Ayor!

ND Democratic Chair discusses experience at Democratic National Convention

Wednesday night was one of the most anticipated speeches as Minnesota Governor Tim Walz accepted the nomination for Vice President. Goldwyn said it was electrifying to be down on the floor and see the enthusiasm of that crowd.

“He spoke eloquently about how he was motivated to run for public office by the best qualities in a public servant. The desire to talk to your neighbors about the important issues that affect them and see if there’s some way you can make their lives a little better,” said Goldwyn.

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Rep. Jayme Davis at the convention hall!

North Dakota Democrats back Harris at DNC in Chicago

“What they said and what I think is the message for a lot of Democrats across many states and many tickets is that we need to come together as a society,” said Hart. “We need to focus on the problems that are affecting everyday people at the kitchen table.”

While out campaigning across Western North Dakota, Hart says many voters have told him they are tired of hearing partisan rhetoric and want both political parties to put their disputes aside and work together.

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Rep. Zac Ista, ND DNC Committeewoman-elect Renae Aarfor, and Rep. Hamida Dakane enjoy the balloon drop!

Grand Forks balloon artist contributes to Democratic National Convention balloon drop

Kauffman watched the DNC balloon drop at a Zoom watch party with the other contributing balloon artists. The moment the balloons fell was magical, she said.

“I can’t imagine what the people actually standing underneath it must have felt,” she said. “But especially for like, my daughter and I, we were a little tearful thinking of Tommy, because he’s literally in the hospital fighting for his life, and knowing that every balloon we all blew up was done with love and hope for him in his journey.”

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Kamala Harris addresses the convention on the final night!
The Century Club supports our year-round work to build party infrastructure supporting candidate recruitment, local district and regional leadership, issue-based education, and tools for Dem-NPL success.
Help us elect great Democrats up and down the ballot!
The North Dakota Democratic-NPL is launching a new grassroots program called “Neighbor to Neighbor” where volunteers will connect with voters in your community to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for connecting with voters in 25 homes in your neighborhood or friends and family to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot about 3-4 times this year.
Grassroots organizers are the lifeblood of the Dem-NPL! Sign up to volunteer with the Dem-NPL!

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