Welcome to the North Dakota Democratic-NPL Insider, a newsletter that features regular updates about upcoming Dem-NPL events, legislative happenings, and news that affects North Dakotans! If you would like to have something added to the newsletter, email us at [email protected]. Spread the word of our newsletter by sharing our sign-up link today: https://demnpl.com/join-our-newsletter/.

Upcoming Events!

Have an event to share? Fill out this form!
Look up your district here!

Old-fashioned Political Stump Speech Rally

Saturday, June 14, 2024 – 6:00 PM
Sertoma Park (Amusement Center Shelter)

Come listen to our Democratic-NPL candidates for the State Legislature. Learn about how the Bismarck/Mandan Democratic-NPL Party is growing and implementing a coordinated campaign initiative. Being informed is a lynchpin of our democracy and helps us support our candidates within the communities of Bismarck and Mandan.

Event Details:
Sponsored by District 35 Dem-NPL
Community-wide social event
Bring your neighbors and friends and children
Enjoy food and music with a free-will offering
We look forward to seeing you there!

Page Community Day Parade

Saturday, June 15, 2024 – 9:30 AM
Hope-Elementary School
630 May Ave. Page

Come walk with Democratic-NPL candidates in the Page Community Day Parade!

Aneta Turkey BBQ Parade

Saturday, June 15, 2024 – 2:30 PM
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Aneta
307 1st St N., Aneta

Gobble Gobble! Come walk with Democratic-NPL candidates in the Aneta Turkey BBQ Parade!

D22 Darrell Hansen Backyard BBQ

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 – 5:00 PM
Darrell’s Backyard
4150 Furnberg Pl S, Fargo 58104

Darrell will be grilling burgers and brats to raise money for his campaign. He’ll also be listening and discussing all of the issues in District 22. Tickets can be found at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/hansenbbq

Central North Dakota Hotdish Contest – Celebrate Freedom Day

Wednesday, June 19, 2024 – 5:00 PM
Pavilion at Roosevelt Park – Devils Lake
4th Street SW, Devils Lake

To celebrate Freedom Day on June 19, the District 15 Dem-NPL Party is hosting the Central North Dakota Hotdish Contest. Celebrate freedom, resiliency, community, and better days to come. Celebrate North Dakota by bringing a pasta-based hotdish to share. Free will offering. Raising community in Ramsey, Towner, and Cavalier counties. Location: Pavilion at Roosevelt Park, Devils Lake, ND.

Contact Collin Evenson at 701-351-3487.

District 12/29 Monthly meeting

Wednesday, June 19, 2024 – 5:30 PM
Buffalo Grill

Join us to reflect, dialogue, and act! We’ll review the primary election results, discuss some campaign ideas for our senate candidate, and end with a chance to write a postcard to a friend we want to invite into the process. Dinner/social at 5pm, meeting starts at 5:30pm. RSVP is requested though not required: email [email protected] or call 701-269-7660

FLIP D16 Burger Flip!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024 – 5:30 PM
Rendezvous Park
1055 32nd Ave W, West Fargo

Enjoy Burgers, chips, cookies, & lemonade in support of District 16 legislative candidates, Heather for Senate, Julie and Philip for Representatives. Rendezvous Park, 1055 32nd Ave. W. West Fargo. June 19th 5:30-7-30 pm, Shelters, 1 &2. Kids will have an opportunity for games and a special appearance by Tinse the clown.

District 46 Democratic-NPL Party!

Thursday, June 20, 2024 – 6:00 PM
Solberg Farms
11680 36th Street South, Horace

Join us for a party! Support Jess Arneson, Todd Reisenauer, and Will Thompson in their races to unseat Kasper and begin to stop the Republican stronghold in the North Dakota legislature.
Thursday, June 20, at 6 pm at the home of Warren and Mara Solberg, 11680 36th Street South, Horace, ND. There will be live music from Pat Lipsiea, Shane Bertrand, and the Dirty Frenchmen.
So we make sure to have enough food, please RSVP to Jess at 701-261-6928 or email [email protected]. There will be a free-will offering for entry. If you aren’t able to make it, you may donate by check to District 46 Dem-NPL, c/o Terri Hedman 5524 16 Street South, Fargo, ND 58104.

Fundraising Event for Shari Orser

Thursday, June 27, 2024 – 4:30 PM
The Satroms' Home
216 West Avenue B, Bismarck

You are invited to a fundraising event for Shari Orser, Democratic-NPL candidate for North Dakota House District 32.

When: Thursday, June 27, 2024
Time: 4:30-7:30pm

Where: Satroms - 216 West Avenue B
Please RSVP: [email protected] or 701-471-8676

Summerfest at Red River Valley Fair

Friday, July 12, 2024 – 5:30 PM
Red River Valley Fairgrounds
1805 Main Ave W., West Fargo

Summerfest will be held at the Red River Valley Fair with an Ice Cream Social and Merrill Piepkorn & friends performing on the free stage. The Ice Cream Social will be held in the Hartl Ag Building.
Tickets are $10.00 and will be available in the near future.

Merrill Piepkorn for Governor Prairie Fire Picnic – Wyndmere

Monday, July 15, 2024 – 11:30 AM
Rock Garden Park
Birch Ave. Wyndmere

Join Merrill Piepkorn in Wyndmere! Merrill is crisscrossing the state hosting Prairie Fire Picnics! Lunch Provided–bring your lawn chairs!

Merrill believes that if we want a bigger and better workforce, we need to be a welcoming state. We need to support public education and school lunches. People need to make a good living, have access to affordable housing and quality child care. And, a woman’s healthcare decision should never be placed in the hands of the government.

Flasher Parade

Saturday, July 20, 2024 – 4:00 PM

Come walk with Democratic-NPL candidates in the Flasher Parade!

Jamestown Buffalo Days Parade

Saturday, July 27, 2024 – 11:30 AM
Behind Cashwise
410 10th St SE, Jamestown

Come walk with Democratic-NPL candidates in the Jamestown Buffalo Days Parade!

Burdick Dinner 2024

Saturday, September 14, 2024 – 6:30 PM
Delta Hotels Fargo
1635 42nd St SW, Fargo

Celebrate ND Democrats with Statewide Candidates and Keynote Speaker: Rachel Bitecofer
This years annual dinner will feature a keynote speaker you will not want to miss. Bitecofer is an advocate for a new strategy to win elections and with a proven record of doing so. Look no further than Michigan to see the results. The DNC has embraced her philosophy and we hope you will come hear from her in person.

Join us!

Help us spread our message—share these posts from the past week!

Visiting Grand Forks, Katrina Christiansen talks Senate campaign cash, Kevin Cramer's Trump defense

“Whether you’re a teacher or a senior citizen or a railroad worker, being able to afford housing and food, and then the things that you as an individual want to invest in, that's all we can really ask for,” she said. “Everybody wants that and it seems harder and harder for people to achieve.”

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With nominees in place, North Dakota Dems, GOP set sights on November

Adam Goldwyn, chairman of the North Dakota Democratic-NPL Party, said the party’s candidates “advance united in their commitment to solve the real problems” that affect North Dakota residents.

“As our candidates continue to meet voters in communities across the state and hear our plans for affordable health care, accessible child care, and building a competitive economic environment that works for everyone, the voters will come home to their Democratic-NPL,” Goldwyn said in a statement sent to the media.

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Voices of the candidates after the primary

Katrina Christiansen, winner of Dem-NPL nod for U.S. Senate: “Throughout my campaign, I have been struck repeatedly by the unwavering spirit of my fellow North Dakotans. Today, they have gotten me past an important milestone: I am the Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate in North Dakota. Regardless of your party, I will spend the next six months going to all corners of the state to earn your vote. I would be honored to represent North Dakota in the U.S. Senate.”

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Port: Court filings allege years of domestic violence by expelled former ND lawmaker

"Throughout our marriage, Luke has a history of assaulting myself and our children," states a declaration filed in the case by the plaintiff on March 1, 2024. "Social service reports exist that document Luke has beat our children with a 2x4, extension cords, and also used a crowbar for spankings. He has run into me with a 4 wheeler, attacked me until I was on the floor, punched my nose and broke my glasses and phone."

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Reaction from ND Democrats of June 11 Election results

“What I’m really keeping an eye on is the total voter turn-out because the Republicans have had a certain number, and the Democrat-non partisan leaders have also had a certain turnout. I’m wondering if that holds true, or if the races of the republican primary will turnout more than a typical number,” Piepkorn said.
He also mentioned, “What it’s going to take for us to win this campaign, is to win over the independents and perhaps some moderate Republicans as well. We need to also get all of the Dem-NPLers in the state to get out and vote.”

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Slight rise in Grand Forks County primary election voters, but election day turnout on low end, auditor says

Grossbauer said sometimes she feels it would be easier to appeal to moderate Republicans if she and her fellow Democratic-NPL candidates were running against someone with more drastically right-leaning politics.

"But then I also think they have so much money behind them," she said. "It's crazy, just in the primary, to see the money that's behind the populist Republican. It's a little intimidating.

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Letter: Why believe a lifelong con artist?

To me it all boils down to credibility. Trump is a proven liar and a lifelong con artist, and his latest conviction is just one small incident in a lifetime of shady dealings, except now he is finally being held accountable. His allies in the right-wing media also have a long track record of deception, and they were at it long before Trump ever entered politics. So, why should I believe them when they say elections and criminal trials are rigged against them whenever things do not go their way?

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Letter: Domestic abuse accusations should be an eye-opener for North Dakota voters

Simons is a religious fanatic who sees his wife and children as punching bags. If guilty, he belongs in prison for rape and abuse. His brother, father, and minister all were aware that she and the children were being horrifically abused, but his brother still thought she should not divorce him. Would any of you want your daughters to “work it out”? Extremists, so-called Christians, would.
North Dakotans: Be very careful. When I see North Dakotans supporting Christian nationalism, I truly hope you understand what this means. If you allow religion in your public schools, it will be the religious extremists who will be indoctrinating your children.

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Fedorchak claims ‘election interference’ over false text messages

The North Dakota Democratic-NPL Party also condemned the misleading messages. On Monday, messages encouraged Democrats to vote for Becker

“This blatant attempt to deceive North Dakotans is disgusting,” said Dem-NPL spokeswoman Laura Dronen. “We don’t know who sent these messages, but as we move to the general election we all must be vigilant. In our digital age rife with deep fakes and AI-generated images, disinformation and lies spread like wildfire.”

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Letter: How can a convicted felon run the country?

Would it be that if Donald Trump got elected, he could not perform many the duties of President, because he is a convicted felon? Trump convictions would not let him pass a homeland security check. Trump could not have a Top-Secret Security clearance, not allowed on Military bases, Federal Buildings, and many countries.

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Don't miss these national stories!

MSNBC Chris Hayes on Trump Meeting with CEOs

“Today, behind closed doors, outside of the view of cameras, Donald Trump proposed one of the most deranged policies I have ever heard. He told republican lawmakers behind closed doors that he wants to eliminate the income tax and replace it entirely with tariffs, effectively taking us back to the 19th century. This idea makes as much sense as ripping up the entire interstate highway system and replacing it with canals. [...]

“Former senior policy advisor from the National Economic Council, Brendan Duke, explained further. ‘Another way to put Trump's latest incredibly unworkable idea, one,’ get this, ‘it would raise taxes by $5000 for a typical family,’ if you are a working person who buys stuff. ‘It would cut taxes for the average family in the top 0.1% by $1.5 million dollars.’”

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NEW AD: On Flag Day, Biden-Harris 2024 Launches New Ad Highlighting President Biden’s Fight for Patriotism, Democracy”

“The president, in what I thought were just outstanding words and poignant words, not only reminded us of that history of ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things, but he connected the dots between the bravery of 80 years ago on those beaches and the responsibility that falls to each of us today to continue to perfect our union, to defend democracy, to protect our freedom. He made clear what the choices are not just in an election, but in our everyday lives to stand up and recognize our own unique responsibilities. … I thought the president connecting the dots today is also a reminder of what's at stake in this election and something we all have to think really clearly about. Yes, there are two names on the ballot, President Biden and Donald Trump, but in many ways this election isn't just about them. It's about all of us and whether we're still willing to fight for democracy and freedom, whether we still value honor and decency and want to protect our institutions.”

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Trump offers CEOs a cut to corporate taxes. Biden’s team touts his support for global alliances

Former President Donald Trump told an influential group of CEOs that he wants to further cut the corporate tax rate he lowered while in office, while President Joe Biden’s chief of staff separately told them that the Democratic incumbent’s emphasis on global alliances would help their businesses. [...]

Trump said that he would like to cut the corporate tax rate by a percentage point to an even 20%, according to a person familiar with his remarks who insisted on anonymity to discuss the closed-door meeting.

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Republicans in Panic Mode After Trump Trashes Milwaukee

Republican members of Congress from Wisconsin scrambled to respond to the comments, offering several different explanations to cover for the former president and convicted felon, including one representative who said the whole thing never happened. Unfortunately, three others said it definitely did.

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Michigan seniors worry Trump will target their Social Security and Medicare

“Thanks to Joe Biden, I no longer have to spend over $2,000 a year on life-saving prescription drugs,” Enriquez explained. “He fought Big Pharma and has delivered huge savings for Medicare recipients like me. It’s very difficult, as you all know, with expensive drugs on the rise. And Joe Biden has made it possible for us to continue getting our medicine as we need it.”

When Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act, it established a cap on Medicare recipients’ out-of-pocket drug costs to just $2,000 per year, which goes into effect next year. The law also implemented a $35 monthly cap on insulin for Medicare recipients—saving an estimated 67,000 Michigan seniors about $400 a year.

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As Trump Promises Handouts to His Billionaire Donors, Biden-Harris 2024 Launches New Seven-Figure Ad Buy Targeting Latinos on Corporate Greed

President Biden: “No one, especially a billionaire like Donald Trump, will stop me from fighting to lower costs for food and rent, because hardworking families deserve a chance to get ahead.”

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Democrats Create a Task Force to Punch Back at GOP’s ‘Project 2025’

In an interview with NOTUS on Monday, the founder of the new task force, progressive Democratic Rep. Jared Huffman of California, called Project 2025 “the most alarming existential threat” the country has seen in a century.

“If you care about democracy, individual rights, church-state separation and things like that, this thing is a wrecking ball,” he said.

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MSNBC Mika Brzezinski Reports on Trump's Remarks with Danbury Institute

“The presumptive Republican presidential nominee addressed members of the Danbury Institute yesterday. The group's website refers to abortion as, ‘the greatest atrocity facing our generation today.’ They also call it ‘child sacrifice.’ It also opposes so-called unbiblical ideologies that are attacking America's children, including LGBTQ emphasis and rampent efforts to “trans” our youngest generation. In virtual remarks Trump referred to those beliefs “as our values” and effusively praised the Danbury Institute for its work. [...]

“Anyone who still thinks he is not going to go further after what he's done to abortion, just look at that, and listen. Believe him.”

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Trump’s Energy Guy Talked a Green Game but Now Sells Big Oil Priorities

Others in the state made similar claims. “In the last three years he’s clearly been shifting,” said Scott Skokos, the executive director of the Dakota Resource Council, an environmental group in North Dakota. Mr. Skokos and others said they had witnessed Governor Burgum taking a sharp tack to the right on energy issues and echoing the oil industry’s attacks on the Biden administration after he entered his second term in office and prepared for a presidential run.

“I don’t think it’s so much that he changed his views as he’s an opportunist,” Mr. Skokos said.

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The Supreme Court just effectively legalized machine guns

The six Republican justices handed down a decision on Friday that effectively legalizes civilian ownership of automatic weapons. All three of the Court’s Democrats dissented.
The Court’s decision in Garland v. Cargill involves bump stocks, devices that allow ordinary semiautomatic weapons that can legally be owned by civilians to automatically fire, much like a machine gun designed for that purpose. Bump stocks cause a semiautomatic gun’s trigger to buck against the shooter’s finger, repeatedly “bumping” the trigger and making the gun rapidly fire.

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The Religious Right Won’t Stop at IVF. Its Grim Future Was on Full Display This Week.

The Danbury Institute’s gathering this week featured ample American flags and dire warnings about the country’s current social moment. Speakers struck a series of notes that would be familiar to people following our recent culture wars: Public schools are a place of indoctrination for non-Christian ideas, doctors are performing sex-change surgeries on minors, and “men dressed as women are invading spaces once regarded as safe for women and children,” such as public libraries and female locker rooms. The foreboding welcome video included images of drag queens as ominous examples.

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The Century Club supports our year-round work to build party infrastructure supporting candidate recruitment, local district and regional leadership, issue-based education, and tools for Dem-NPL success.
Help us elect great Democrats up and down the ballot!
The North Dakota Democratic-NPL is launching a new grassroots program called “Neighbor to Neighbor” where volunteers will connect with voters in your community to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for connecting with voters in 25 homes in your neighborhood or friends and family to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot about 3-4 times this year.
Grassroots organizers are the lifeblood of the Dem-NPL! Sign up to volunteer with the Dem-NPL!

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