Welcome to the North Dakota Democratic-NPL Insider, a newsletter that features regular updates about upcoming Dem-NPL events, legislative happenings, and news that affects North Dakotans! If you would like to have something added to the newsletter, email us at [email protected]. Spread the word of our newsletter by sharing our sign-up link today: https://demnpl.com/join-our-newsletter/.
Upcoming Events!
ND State Fair Parade
Saturday, July 20, 2024 – 10:00 AM
Corner of Burdick and Broadway, Minot
On Saturday, July 20th at 10AM, join us and our statewide Dem-NPL candidates for the North Dakota State Fair Parade! There’s strength in numbers, and we want to be sure we have the best showing possible at this year’s parade.
District 21’s Summer BBQ
Saturday, July 20, 2024 – 11:00 AM
Amvets 1001 1st Ave S, Fargo
Join us for a summer BBQ with District 21! Meet like-minded neighbors, enjoy summer favorites, and build community connections in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.
Where: AMVETS 1001 1st Ave S Fargo When: July 20th, 11:00- 1:00 PM Who: You and your friends! How much? $8 at the door for burger, sides and dessert!
*District 21 will also be passing around jars to bid on your least favorite President! (all donations go towards District 21 Democrats)
Flasher Parade
Saturday, July 20, 2024 – 4:00 PM
ND Dem D16's July Zoom Meeting
Monday, July 22, 2024 – 5:30 PM
Join us in July for our monthly, virtual meeting! Topic: ND Dem D16's July Zoom Meeting Time: Jul 22, 2024 05:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 2168 4336 Passcode: 255587
Legislative Listening Session: Public Education
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 – 6:00 PM
Calling all teachers, school staff, and those who support them! Do you have opinions about public education, its funding, and current leadership? Join ND Senate candidate, Kyle Thorson, for a Legislative Listening Session on Tuesday, July 23rd from 6:00pm to 7:00pm at Archives Coffee House. Light refreshments provided. Free parking in the lot behind the coffee house. All are welcome!
It’s time to make your voice heard in Bismarck. Join us!
District 12 Summer Fundraiser
Wednesday, July 23, 2024 – 5:30 PM
McElroy Park 502 15th St SE Jamestown
Join us at McElroy Park in Jamestown for District 12’s summer fundraiser. We will have candidates speaking and hear music performed by local musicians. We will be serving steak, salad and dessert.
Statewide Candidate Meet and Greet
Friday, July 26, 2024 – 5:30 PM
Meet your statewide candidates face-to-face and have your voice heard among local leaders. Candidates, Merrill Piepkorn (Governor), Trygve Hammer (US House), Katrina Christiansen (US Senate), and Timothy Lamb (State Auditor) will be there!
Summerfest Parade in Casselton
Saturday, July 27, 2024 – 10:00 AM line up
Central Cass 802 5th St N, Casselton
Walk with our Democratic-NPL Candidates in the Summerfest Parade in Casselton!
Buffalo Days Parade and Kickball Tournament
Saturday, July 27, 2024 – 11:30 AM
Behind Cashwise 410 10th St SE, Jamestown
All supporters are welcome, from near and far, to enjoy the sites and people of Jamestown! Come explore Jamestown “beyond the Buffalo…” Put a pep in your step as we walk in the parade downtown with District and Statewide Candidates, and cheer on or join some courageous teammates who will take the kickball field near the be-a-utiful Jamestown Reservoir. It’s sure to be a day of fun with good community.
Let’s us know you’re ready to walk or roll in the parade here: https://www.mobilize.us/northdakotademocraticnplparty/event/634766/
Todd Reisenauer’s 49th birthday
Monday, July 29, 2024 – 6:00 PM
3478 11th St S, Fargo, ND
Join us for an evening of BBQ and backyard fun in celebration of Todd’s 49th birthday – with a twist this year. As you know, Todd is running for a house seat in the ND Legislature. Help Todd hit his campaign fundraising goal of $2,500 by the end of July!
It’s going to be an awesome summer evening with great conversation, backyard games, tasty food, and fun!
July 29th 6pm-8pm 3478 11th St S, Fargo, ND 58104 BBQ: Smoked Brisket, Hot Dogs/Brats, Salads etc Kid friendly backyard games
Alexandra Deufel for D40 Fundraiser
Tuesday, July 30, 2024 – TBD
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, July 30th for a fundraiser with D40 House candidate Alexandra Deufel! Alexandra is running a competitive race, but she needs the resources to succeed. We hope you’ll consider joining us! More details TBA closer to the event.
Jess Arneson’s Birthday Bash!
Saturday, August 3, 2024 – 3:00 PM (CDT)
Join us for an evening of BBQ and backyard fun in celebration of Jess Arneson’s birthday!
It’s going to be an awesome summer evening with great conversation, backyard games, tasty food, and fun!
District 20 Barn Dance for John Pederson
Sunday, August 4, 2024 – 6:00 PM (CDT)
735 153rd Ave N, Mayville
Barn dance at Elroy Lindaas’, 2 miles E of Mayville on Hwy 200, then N 1 1/4 miles on County 12. Food and music by Merrill Piepkorn and the Radio Stars.
Food and beverages. No alcohol.
Burdick Dinner 2024
Saturday, September 14, 2024 – 6:30 PM
Delta Hotels Fargo 1635 42nd St SW, Fargo
Celebrate ND Democrats with Statewide Candidates and Keynote Speaker: Rachel Bitecofer
This years annual dinner will feature a keynote speaker you will not want to miss. Bitecofer is an advocate for a new strategy to win elections and with a proven record of doing so. Look no further than Michigan to see the results. The DNC has embraced her philosophy and we hope you will come hear from her in person.
Help us spread our message—share these posts from the past week!
The False Prophets of Working America Can Be Stopped.
And what of JD Vance? A man who once called Trump “America’s Hitler” now finds himself bound to the man he vehemently opposed. This isn’t leadership; it’s opportunism at its most blatant.
Vance’s metamorphosis was no personal revelation. It was orchestrated by tech billionaires like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk, who lobbied Trump to select Vance and poured their fortunes into a SuperPAC to fund his campaign. These are not men of the people; they manipulate the levers of power to amplify their voices, often at the expense of the many.
Port: A bizarre email exchange I had with the man who might want to be House Majority Leader
At this point, Kasper, clearly frustrated with me, tried to change the subject. "You failed to answer," he wrote. "From your perspective are you happy with a State budget that has increased from 11 billion in 2011 to over 19 billion in current bi-ennium. Current and prior leadership not at fault???"
I wasn't asking Kasper for a critique of Lefor's leadership or the Legislature's performance. Those might be important questions to ask after I've established that Kasper might challenge Lefor, but I couldn't get that confirmation out of Kasper.
"I didn't say anything about the budget, or about the current leadership," I wrote in response to Kasper's question. "I'm asking you if you're planning on seeking the leadership position again should you win re-election."
A Second Look | Alex Deufel | House ND 40
Join A Second Look for a content-filled conversation about: rural conservation practices, abortion policy, government overreach by our current legislature, property tax concerns, energy, education at both K-12 and higher ed settings, and promoting a social safety net with House of Representative candidate Alex Deufel. Alex is a professor at Minot State University and has a small farm and demonstrates a mastery of complex and wide-ranging topics.
North Dakota lawmakers work to update harassment policy
Hogan said she’s interested in revising the policy to allow some complaints to be resolved informally, like through third-party mediation. That could help address minor disputes between members of the Legislature that don’t warrant a full investigation, she said.
“How do you screen the cases, the initial reports, to try and resolve them at the lowest level?” Hogan said. “That’s the kind of issue we’re beginning to look at now.”
Rep. Zac Ista, D-Grand Forks, proposed adding a provision to allow complaints that don’t clearly state violations of the harassment policy to be dismissed.
Don't miss these national stories!
America will never be the same after Milwaukee’s tent revival for the cult of Donald Trump
The 2024 RNC is indeed all about unity, but only the creepiest and most cultist kinds. I saw unity of fear, in a party of ritual humiliation where dissenters like Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney are tossed down the memory hole. I saw the unity of people professing their love of community and a so-called “real America” that looks like the floor of the Fiserv Forum, overwhelmingly white, with any “different” folks pushed down the escalators.
Fact check: Trump makes more than 20 false claims in RNC acceptance speech
Under President Joe Biden, US oil production has reached a new record this year, even surpassing output under Trump’s administration. The Energy Information Administration expects crude oil production to hit successive records this year and next, powered by an oil boom in the Permian Basin. As CNN has reported, the US currently produces more oil than any other country on the planet, at about half a million barrels per day more than the prior annual record set in 2019.
Election deniers, fake electors, and Donald Trump take center stage on final night of RNC
Vaughn Hillyard, NBC News Correspondent and Charlie Sykes, MSNBC Columnist join Nicolle Wallace with a preview of the final night of the RNC which is set to culminate with Donald Trump accepting the nomination for President for the third time from the party that has morphed into a personality cult in the now eighth year that he is its leader.
JD Vance said in 2022 he ‘would like abortion to be illegal nationally’
Vance argued in 2022 that people seeking abortions would travel from states where abortion is banned to states with liberal abortion laws, necessitating federal action.
“I certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally,” Vance said in January 2022 on a podcast when running for Senate.
Project 2025: The History Of How Trumpism Radicalized
Molly Jong-Fast converses with Harvard sociologist and political scientist Theda Skocpol about Project 2025, an initiative by the Heritage Foundation outlining a potential future Trump administration. They discuss the drastic policy changes proposed, including increased presidential power and radical socio-political shifts. Skocpol provides insights on the historical and organizational evolution of the Republican Party, the role of grassroots movements like the Tea Party, and the implications of authoritarianism in American politics. They also touch on the impact of these changes on federal agencies and the potential consequences for American democracy.
Biden campaign: J.D. Vance would do what Pence wouldn't on Jan. 6
"Donald Trump picked J.D. Vance as his running mate because Vance will do what Mike Pence wouldn't on January 6: bend over backwards to enable Trump and his extreme MAGA agenda, even if it means breaking the law and no matter the harm to the American people," Biden campaign chair Jen O'Malley Dillon said.
The Century Club supports our year-round work to build party infrastructure supporting candidate recruitment, local district and regional leadership, issue-based education, and tools for Dem-NPL success.
Help us elect great Democrats up and down the ballot!
The North Dakota Democratic-NPL is launching a new grassroots program called “Neighbor to Neighbor” where volunteers will connect with voters in your community to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for connecting with voters in 25 homes in your neighborhood or friends and family to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot about 3-4 times this year.
Grassroots organizers are the lifeblood of the Dem-NPL! Sign up to volunteer with the Dem-NPL!