Welcome to the North Dakota Democratic-NPL Insider, a newsletter that features regular updates about upcoming Dem-NPL events, legislative happenings, and news that affects North Dakotans! If you would like to have something added to the newsletter, email us at [email protected]. Spread the word of our newsletter by sharing our sign-up link today: https://demnpl.com/join-our-newsletter/.
Have you voted in the North Dakota Democratic Presidential Primary? If you haven't there is still time! Because of an influx of resources and volunteers, the Dem-NPL is excited to make three more in-person locations available to North Dakota voters. Make your voice hear!
The polling locations will be open: Friday March 29 from 4-7 pm Saturday March 30 from 8-11 am
Bismarck Gateway Fashion Mall — Rock’n 50’s Cafe Entrance 2700 State St., Bismarck
Fargo North Dakota Democratic-NPL office 1325 23rd St S., Fargo
Grand Forks Archives Coffee House 3012 University Dr S., Grand Forks
- Laura Dronen, Communications and Digital Director
Upcoming Events!
North Dakota Democratic-NPL State Convention
Thursday, April 4 – Sunday, April 7, 2024
Join us in Fargo for the Official ND Democratic-NPL State Convention!
Become a delegate and participate in active democracy! We will officially nominate candidates for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, Governor & Lt. Governor, State Auditor, State Treasurer, Insurance Commissioner, and Public Service Commissioner. Most activities will happen on Friday and Saturday.
North Dakota Democratic-NPL Friday Dinner With Democrats
Friday, April 5, 2024 – 6:30 PM
Join us for an evening with Jane Kleeb, Nebraska Democratic Party Chair, and ND House Minority Leader Zac Ista for the Dinner with Democrats Fundraising Dinner as part of the 2024 Dem-NPL State Convention!
Friday, April 5th at 6:30pm at the Avalon Events Center in the Millenium Ballroom.
Tickets are $100 or are included in the Convention All-Inclusive Delegate and Alternate Package.
Young Democrats Kickoff
Friday, April 5, 2024 – 5:30 PM
You are not alone, there are plenty of young democrats in the Fargo area and broader state. Even if you’re an independent or moderate republican. Wouldn’t it be nice to spend a little time with others who fear the MAGA movement? No major speeches, but pop in visits from legislative members and other VIPs.
Food provided for all, and a free drink ticket for the first 40 registrants. Registration required. However you can register up to the time of the event. Pleas join us at the Avalon Center, 5:30pm Friday April 5th.
This event is designed for those who are 35 and younger (including college students).
7th Annual Governors Dinner
Saturday, April 27, 2024 – 6 PM
North Dakota Heritage Center 612 E Boulevard Ave., Bismarck
Join us to honor Governors Bill Guy, Art Link, and George Sinner with Minnesota DFL Chair Ken Martin! Martin also serves as Vice Chair of the DNC and President of the ASDC.
Vote in the North Dakota Democratic Presidential Primary.
Candidates who will appear on the ballot are:
Armando "Mando" Perez-Serrato
North Dakota will send 19 delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. This vote will determine the proportion of delegates pledged to each presidential candidate. Delegates to the National Convention will be elected at the North Dakota Democratic-NPL State Convention in Fargo on April 4-7.
In-person Democratic Presidential Primary Voting Locations!
These polling locations will be open:
Friday March 29 from 4-7 pm Saturday March 30 from 8-11 am
Bismarck Gateway Fashion Mall — Rock’n 50’s Cafe Entrance 2700 State St., Bismarck
Fargo North Dakota Democratic-NPL office 1325 23rd St S., Fargo
Grand Forks Archives Coffee House 3012 University Dr S., Grand Forks
State Convention is almost here! If you'd like to be a delegate let us know!
Already a delegate? Get tickets for our great events!
Help us spread our message—share these posts from the past week!
Joel Heitkamp shares his thoughts on NDGOP resolutions heading to convention
Joel Heitkamp goes over the current 15 resolutions that the state committee of the North Dakota Republican Party has approved, and will be voted on at the state GOP convention next month in Fargo. Some of the topics in these resolutions deal with property taxes, gay marriage, and withdrawing from the United Nations.
Holmberg called Stenehjem after police search, court transcript shows
“The defendant left a voicemail with Mr. Stenehjem shortly after the search warrant was executed that same day and we interviewed Mr. Stenehjem as part of that — recovery of that voicemail,” Puhl told Hovland. “He then passed away. So we were looking to obtain the voicemail as well as anything else about the investigation on that phone.”
Investigators searched Holmberg’s Grand Forks home in November 2021, The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead first reported in May 2022.
Wrigley says ‘thousands’ of additional emails found on former AG’s phone
“There do appear to be thousands of additional emails that our experts have located on [Stenehjem’s] private phone, and we’re in the process of going through those,” Wrigley says. “The others will come in a wave because we’re treating those as an open records request and ongoing manner.”
Rep. Jim Jonas says he would've voted no on NDGOP abortion resolution
North Dakota State Representative Jim Jonas joins Joel on "News and Views" to talk about a resolution approved by the NDGOP's resolutions committee regarding abortion. The resolution would call for the outlawing of all abortions, and would provide for criminal charges against a woman who has an abortion, as well as “co-conspirators.” The issue will be up for a vote in the first day of the Republican state convention next month.
Dem-NPL to open presidential primary locations in Bismarck, Fargo and Grand Forks
Unfortunately, none of this ultimately will matter. The attorney general and Burleigh County state’s attorney have made it clear they aren’t interested in bringing criminal charges in this case. They’ve dragged their feet, passed the buck, stymied investigators, and all but ensured that no one will actually be held accountable. They have no reason to scrutinize a faulty conclusion that charges aren’t warranted. That’s the outcome they’ve been aiming for all along.
McFeely: ND anti-abortion extremist shocked by anti-abortion extremism
The resolution in question will be considered at the NDGOP state convention next month. Forum Communications Co.'s Rob Port reported on it Tuesday. It's not legislation, but it's the party staking claim on what it values.
It apparently values throwing women who have abortions in prison for life. It's so repressive, yet utterly predictable.
Port reported Myrdal was shocked, SHOCKED, her fellow Republicans would go this far.
Student debt seen as a barrier to ‘upskilling’ North Dakota workforce
During a discussion Wednesday in a State Board of Higher Education meeting in Minot, student debt, from parking fines to student loans, was identified as a barrier that keeps people from going back to school.
“For many of these students, with some college, no degree, many of them have last interacted with us when we sent a bill collector after them, and we won’t even provide their transcript,” Dickinson State University President Stephen Easton said.
Anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ resolutions to be voted on at state Republican convention
A statement reaffirming the state’s constitutional definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. It also urges the state attorney general to oppose any attempt in court to restrict the religious freedom of people and organizations who hold sincere religious beliefs that marriage is between a man and a woman.
A resolution opposing adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the Century Code as a protected class. It also “supports the restoration of gender dysphoric individuals, that they may embrace and be comfortable with their natural biological state.”
The Critical Role of Rural Voters in Shaping America's Political Landscape
Welcome to a vital and timely episode of The Hot Dish, where we take an in-depth journey into the dynamics shaping rural America's political scene. This installment promises to enrich our understanding of the pivotal role that rural voters play in the fabric of our nation.
Unpacking their personal experiences, Heidi Heitkamp and guest host Joshua Boschee bring their firsthand perspectives to the table. Heidi reflects on the shifting voter patterns in North Dakota, giving us a narrative steeped in reality, while Joshua highlights the underrated significance of local and state elections.
Don't miss these national stories!
Elizabeth Warren on MSNBC's Morning Joe on ACA
I love that ad. … We could do balloons and candles, but what Joe Biden is doing in that ad is he’s saying two things: I want everybody in America to understand what’s on the line, this is literally about life and death. And the second thing Joe Biden is doing is saying I will fight, I will fight — not for giant corporations and big insurance companies, not for billionaires who don’t want to have to pay taxes — I will fight for you so that you have health care coverage.
And that’s true if you’re one of the 20 million people getting their health care through the Affordable Care Act directly, but it’s also true if you’re one of those people under the age of 26 who is still getting health care because you're on your parents’ plan. It’s true if you’re somebody with a preexisting condition. Remember, before the Affordable Care Act, those insurance companies discriminated against women for being women, they discriminated against people with asthma and people with diabetes and people with heart conditions, and all of that has gone away. Joe Biden says ‘I am going to fight for your access to healthcare
Trump slow to invest in states that could decide election as some in GOP fear ‘skeleton’ campaign
This month alone, Biden opened 100 new offices and added more than 350 new staffers in swing states from Arizona to Georgia to Pennsylvania, according to campaign spokesman Ammar Moussa. That’s in addition to the Democratic president’s existing battleground-state staff of 100 that was already in place.
Lara Trump as co-chair is the least of the RNC's red flags
This dynamic between the RNC and the Trump campaign is also fostering a situation in which, rather than bolstering and supplementing a presidential run, the national committee is essentially dependent on the campaign — and, more importantly, the nominee himself — for its financial health. Between these two pressure points, leveraging employment for political staffers and campaign funds on supporting Trump’s election lies, the danger to how the 2024 election’s aftermath plays out is apparent.
Americans Really Don’t Like Trump’s Health-Care Plans
Health care is one of the few major issues that more voters say they trust Biden than Trump to handle, according to national media polls. And Trump has ensured that voters will see a clear choice on the issue by renewing his pledge to repeal the Affordable Care Act passed under Obama, which now provides health insurance to more than 45 million people.
House Republicans dramatically sharpened that partisan contrast last week when the Republican Study Committee—a conservative group whose membership includes more than four-fifths of the House Republican Conference’s members and all of its leadership—issued a budget proposal that would not only repeal the ACA but also fundamentally restructure Medicare, Medicaid, and the federal tax incentive for employers to provide insurance for their workers.
Republicans largely quiet as Democrats hammer SCOTUS abortion pill challenge
Kerri Kupec Urbahn on abortion pill case: Supreme Court seems skeptical on whether doctors had legal standing for lawsuit
MSNBC: PA Dems Open Coordinated Campaign Office Lancaster County
The Biden-Harris fundraising advantage, today, allowed the [Democratic Coordinated Campaign] to open a field office in Lancaster, Pennsylvania… If Joe Biden can just increase his vote in Lancaster County, he could increase his winning margin in Pennsylvania, which he won by 80,000 votes in 2020. The huge Biden fundraising advantage allows the Biden-Harris campaign to build a campaign infrastructure advantage.
Trump Remains Silent On SCOTUS Abortion Pill Case, But His Fingerprints Are All Over It
Most Americans know that the former president appointed the three conservative Supreme Court justices who were central in overturning Roe v. Wade in 2022. Trump used to brag about it all the time. But Trump and his allies also engineered the mifepristone case, hand-picking the anti-abortion judges who moved a case with no standing to the highest court in the country.
In 2019, Trump nominated and confirmed U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, a devout Christian with extreme anti-abortion beliefs, to a federal district court in Amarillo, Texas. Although legal experts say the arguments in the mifepristone case are weak, Kacsmaryk ruled that the Food and Drug Administration “manipulated and misconstrued” parts of the mifepristone drug approval process in order to “greenlight elective chemical abortions on a wide scale.”
Trump has embraced Jan. 6. The extremist message may alienate — or resonate
Trump's campaign has said it launched his 2024 bid in Waco because of the city's proximity to "Texas population centers." But it's also close to the location where, in the early 1990s, the Branch Davidians and federal agents engaged in a long standoff, ending with a fire that killed nearly all members of that religious community. Trump's rally took place less than a month before the 30th anniversary of that grim event.
Since then, Waco has been a potent symbol of what the far right believes to be government overreach and federal tyranny. But Kathleen Belew, associate professor of history at Northwestern University, said the symbol of Waco has also fed a deeper vein of extremist violence.
"It's also a[n] event that ties directly to the Oklahoma City bombing," Belew said, "and for people in the white power movement, signifies not only sort of a softer, anti-government, smaller government kind of politics, but actually signifies a call to violence."
The Century Club supports our year-round work to build party infrastructure supporting candidate recruitment, local district and regional leadership, issue-based education, and tools for Dem-NPL success.
Help us elect great Democrats up and down the ballot!
The North Dakota Democratic-NPL is launching a new grassroots program called “Neighbor to Neighbor” where volunteers will connect with voters in your community to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for connecting with voters in 25 homes in your neighborhood or friends and family to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot about 3-4 times this year.
Grassroots organizers are the lifeblood of the Dem-NPL! Sign up to volunteer with the Dem-NPL!