Welcome to the North Dakota Democratic-NPL Insider, a newsletter that features regular updates about upcoming Dem-NPL events, legislative happenings, and news that affects North Dakotans! If you would like to have something added to the newsletter, email us at [email protected]. Spread the word of our newsletter by sharing our sign-up link today: https://demnpl.com/join-our-newsletter/.
The North Dakota Democratic-NPL is launching a new grassroots program called “Neighbor to Neighbor” where volunteers will connect with voters in your community to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. As a volunteer, you’ll connect with voters in 25 homes in your neighborhood or friends and family to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot about 3-4 times this year.
One of the best ways to elect Democrats is on a personal level at the doors with conversations about how to vote and the issues we care about.
As you build your relationships with your neighbors, you'll become a point of contact for them when it comes to elections and voting! We will send you the materials you'll need.
- Laura Dronen, Communications and Digital Director
District 12 Winter Blue Dinner
Friday, January 26, 2024 – 6:00 PM
The Bunker 1520 3rd St SE Jamestown
Celebrate 2024 and Dem-NPL community! Dinner and drinks will be served, and we’ll hear from guest speakers and enjoy a live auction of locally famous homemade pies.
Whether it’s an evening gown or crewneck sweatshirt, wear your favorite blue for this fun, family-friendly event to support local Dem-NPL organizing.
District 21’s Winter Gathering
Saturday, January 27, 2024 – 11:00 AM
Fargo AMVETS 1001 1st Avenue South, Fargo
District 21 Democrats would like to invite you to our Winter Gathering on Saturday, January 27th at AMVETS Fargo from 11:00-1:00 PM.
There will be Brats and sides available for purchase through AMVETS for $8 we will also have vegetarian brats available. Along with that, we will have baked goods for purchase. Let’s break up the winter blues and meet our District 21 neighbors!
Souris Valley Dem-NPL – A Taste of North Dakota
Saturday, January 27, 2024 – 12:00 PM
IBEW Local 714 Minot Office 125 35th Ave NE, Minot
Earlier this month we joined together at Main Street Books to help support Trygve Hammer for ND as he launched his campaign for North Dakota’s U.S. House seat. It was a great time to share friendly conversation and encouragement over donuts and coffee as we started 2024.
We’ll be meeting again soon on Saturday, January 27th at the IBEW 714 Hall at noon for a knoephla soup social, raffle fundraiser, and the chance to hear from great Dem-NPL candidates like Trygve Hammer and Katrina for U.S. Senate.
If you’re concerned about the direction of your state and are desperate for a change, we’d be happy to have you join us for an afternoon of tasty North Dakota food, drinks, and friendly company.
District Conventions
February 6, 2024 – March 16, 2024
Legislative Districts will have District Conventions between Feb 6 and March 16. See below or contact your District Chair for information about your district’s convention.
All districts will elect delegates to the North Dakota Democratic-NPL State Convention.
Even-numbered districts will nominate candidates for the North Dakota State House and Senate
North Dakota Democratic-NPL State Convention
Thursday, April 4 – Sunday, April 7, 2024
Join us in Fargo for the Official ND Democratic-NPL State Convention!
Become a delegate and participate in active democracy! We will officially nominate candidates for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, Governor & Lt. Governor, State Auditor, State Treasurer, Insurance Commissioner, and Public Service Commissioner. Most activities will happen on Friday and Saturday.
You can now request a ballot for the North Dakota Democratic Presidential Primary. Ballots can be requested at MRGballot.com.
Ballots will start being mailed out on February 20, and must be received by Saturday, March 30, 2024. Ballots requested before February 7 will go out on February 20, and requests after February 7 will be fulfilled as they come in.
Candidates who will appear on the ballot are:
Armando "Mando" Perez-Serrato
North Dakota will send 19 delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. This vote will determine the proportion of delegates pledged to each presidential candidate. Delegates to the National Convention will be elected at the North Dakota Democratic-NPL State Convention in Fargo on April 4-7.
Get involved in your local district! District Conventions will happen between Feb 6 and March 16. At District Conventions, Even Districts, District 9, and District 15 will endorse candidates for the state legislature. Every district will elect delegates to the State Convention. We'll keep you up to date as more conventions are scheduled! The following is arranged by district:
Joint District Conventions
Bismarck-Mandan District Conventions
Saturday, February 24 — 10:00 AM
Horizon Middle School 500 Ash Coulee Dr, Bismarck, ND 58503
Join us for Legislative Candidate Endorsements, State Convention Delegate elections, and good conversation with other local Democrats. Stay tuned for more information to come!
Bismarck-Mandan Democratic-NPL Districts include 7, 8, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 47.
Cass County District Conventions
Saturday, March 2 — 10:00 AM
Ben Franklin Middle School 1420 8th St N., Fargo, ND 58102
Join us for Legislative Candidate Endorsements, State Convention Delegate elections, and good conversation with other local Democrats. Stay tuned for more information to come!
Cass County Democratic-NPL Districts include 10, 11, 13, 16, 21, 22, 27, 41, 44, 45, 46.
Northern Valley District Conventions
Join us for Legislative Candidate Endorsements and State Convention Delegate elections. More information to come!
This includes Districts 17, 18, 20, 42, and 43.
Single District Conventions
District 2
Saturday, February 24 — TBD
A district-wide, virtual event. Special guests to be announced later.
District 6
Saturday, February 24 — 3:30 PM
A district-wide, virtual event. Special guests to be announced later.
District 12
Sunday, March 3 — 3:00 PM
District 15
Thursday, February 15 — 7:00 PM
Lake Region Public Library 423 7th Street NE, Devils Lake, ND 58301
Join us for the District 15 Dem-NPL Convention!
District 19
Saturday, February 19 — TBD
Join us for the District 19 Dem-NPL Convention!
District 24 with Special Guest speaker Joel Heitkamp
Sunday, February 18 — 2:00 PM
Gaukler Family Wellness Center 733 8th Avenue SW, Valley City 58072
We hope to see you Sunday, February 18th at 2pm at the Gaukler Family Wellness Center for coffee, cookies, and conversation at this year’s Convention!
This is your chance to hear from 2024 candidates, leading Dem-NPLers like Joel, and fellow neighbors who share your Dem-NPL values!
Attend and vote on Endorsing 2024 Candidates & Adopting the District 24 Dem-NPL Platform! We’ll see you there!
District 25
Sunday, March 3 — 4:00 PM
Boiler Room 404 Dakota Ave., Wahpeton, ND 58075
Please mark your calendar for our next District 25 convention! We will elect 12 delegates from District 25 to the state convention which is in Fargo this year. Hope to see you there!
The Democratic-NPL is a grassroots organized political party. Meetings are open to anyone who voted for, or plans to vote for Democratic-NPL candidates or simply affiliates themselves with the Party’s ideals.
District 28
Sunday, February 11 — 1:00 PM
Growing Small Towns 510 Main Ave. Oakes, ND 58474
Join us for District 28 Dem-NPL officer elections, candidate endorsements, and an afternoon of lighthearted fun. Light refreshments will be served.
District 29
Saturday, February 24 — 1:00 PM
204 Main Street, Pekin, ND 58361
Join us for the District 29 Dem-NPL Convention!
Read what North Dakotans are talking about and learn how news right here in the Peace Garden State is impacting you.
Press Releases from the Dem-NPL
Help us amplify our message and important issues for North Dakotans today! |
North Dakota Dem-NPL speaks after 2024 State of the State address, criticize Governor Burgum
“North Dakotans are demanding more than just another income tax cuts," said Hogan. "They want real solutions to the workforce crisis, the childcare crisis, the housing crisis, and the mental health crisis—all of which have gone unsolved on Republicans’ watch. Democrats have been beating the drum for more investments in each of these areas for years. But the outgoing administration’s focus on the things that will really improve the lives of everyday North Dakotans was too little and too late."
Burgum won't seek a third term as North Dakota governor
North Dakota's Democratic-NPL Party does not yet have any announced candidates for governor. Party spokeswoman Laura Dronen did not specifically comment on Burgum's announcement Monday, but she told the Tribune in a statement that "The extremists that GOP lawmakers have courted and cowed to for some time have now taken the driver's seat in the Republican Party. We’re going to see many more rabid reactionaries on the Republican ballot this year. North Dakotans want lawmakers who will work for them, not holier-than-thou grandstanders."
Some North Dakota legislators concerned about effects of term limits
In the eyes of House Minority Leader Rep. Zac Ista, D-Grand Forks, the reasons North Dakota voters approved the measure are clear.
“It's no wonder why the voters made this change when we continue to learn more about the deleted public records from the attorney general's office, the sweetheart real estate deal benefiting a sitting Republican legislator, and the use of taxpayer dollars to fund overseas trips where heinous federal crimes allegedly occurred,” he wrote. “I hope that the enacted term limits — which I believe to be clear in their language and intent — can be one way to curb the worst excesses of the GOP supermajority.”
‘You have to be available and listen to concerns’
State Reps. Alisa Mitskog and Cindy Schreiber-Beck have been very good about staying in touch with the commission. Rep. Mitskog was a key player in getting the gas pipeline that’s coming in from the north to this area
Addled by paranoia, North Dakota Republicans don't even trust themselves to run a fair election
Before you tell me this seems too crazy to believe, remember that a ballot measure currently being circulated would change state election law in many ways, including the banning of electronic voting machines. The chair of that ballot measure committee — risibly, they call their proposal the "election integrity act" — promoted stolen election twaddle to state lawmakers during their 2022 session, including the claim that the U.S. Supreme Court had overturned the 2020 election in a "secret docket" ruling.
Go ahead and laugh if you want. It is a very stupid claim to make, and only the foolishly gullible, the MAGA movement's legions of useful idiots, really believe it. But then remember that people who believe that sort of thing make up a majority of the Republicans who are showing up to party committee meetings and conventions.
ND Dem-NPL congressional candidate: white supremacy "number one internal terrorist organization"
"I think it is a big security problem, yes it is, and we know that white supremacist groups are the number one internal terrorist organization," said Trygve Hammer.
Looking back: why ‘Tampon Tax’ bill did not pass last year
Representative Zachary Ista was one of the 33 representatives who voted for the bill to pass. He said the slippery slope argument is faulty since things we already exempt certain necessary products, like food, from sales tax.
“For about half the state of North Dakota, at some point in their lives, they’re going to need period products like tampons. It’s an absolute necessity for women in North Dakota, and it makes no sense to me that we would subject it to sales tax when we carve out sales tax for other things,” Rep. Zachary Ista said.
Dem-NPL Candidate for Congress Trygve Hammer
In his first appearance on Afternoons Live with Tyler Axness ND Dem-NPL candidate Trygve Hammer tells us why he is running and what he will do if elected.
Kelly Armstrong to run for governor of North Dakota
After Armstrong’s announcement, North Dakota’s Democratic-NPL Party released a statement saying that voters hoped Armstrong would bring North Dakota values to Washington. “Instead, Kelly got swallowed up by DC and became the ultimate insider. Under Armstrong, House Republicans have become extreme and completely ineffective. We can’t let him bring his DC values back home to North Dakota now.”
Voting Rights Act still needed to ensure voting rights are adhered to
While the Legislature’s district boundaries improved election fairness for Three Affiliated Tribes, the boundary changes made it harder for Turtle Mountain and Spirit Lake voters. They took it to court and made a well-researched, strong case that the Legislature’s 2021 redistricting plan violated the Voting Rights Act by “unlawfully diluting the voting strength of Native American voters who live on and around” the two reservations. Judge Peter Welte agreed.
Since the court decision, North Dakota legislators, the secretary of state and attorney general have struggled. Rather than dealing straight-on with the issue, current North Dakota leaders wanted to sidestep in an appeal using a legal technicality from a recent outlier decision by the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Families testify about impact of transgender youth health care ban
While Dolney’s family doesn’t live far from the state border, that doesn’t mean the new law hasn’t affected his care, he said. Since Casas only practices out of Moorhead once a month, it’s harder for the Dolneys to communicate with Casas and to schedule appointments.
Dolney said the new law has made him fearful about the future.
Overdraft fees, late fees could be slashed as White House continues attack on junk fees
The cost of overdrawing your bank account could ease considerably under a rule proposed last week by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The proposed regulation is in line with a larger effort that the Biden administration has championed the past few years to crack down on “junk fees,” which are tacked onto everything from ticket prices to hotel bills.
The agency says roughly 23 million households use overdraft fees each year and while most consumers’ overdrafts on debit cards are less than $26, they usually have to pay overdraft fees around $35. Regulators are proposing instead three options for banks: They could offer overdraft loans that comply with lending laws, set a fee that reflects the actual cost or charge a standard fee set by the agency. And while regulators haven’t settled on that benchmark fee yet, amounts being considered range from a low of $3 to a high of $14.
Letter: It's time we took his word for it
Trump uses many words to identify himself. Words like internment, detention camps and executing military officers, locking up his opposition political rivals. I can use many words of Trump to identify him and his history, but everyone knows the words.
North Dakota's only Republican House candidate (so far) isn't eligible for the NDGOP's endorsement
Under the party's rule 10, "Any person who has sought the endorsement of another political party or ran as an Independent for statewide office in the past six (6) years shall be prohibited from seeking the endorsement of The North Dakota Republican Party’s State Convention."
No, Kelly Armstrong, now is not the time to unite behind Donald Trump
It's still wrong. And not just because Trump is a repugnant person unworthy of holding any elected office, let alone the most powerful office in the world (just ask the dozens and dozens of people who served with him in his first administration), but because there are plenty of Republican voters to whom Trump is unacceptable.
The Price of a Soul
Doug Burgum doesn’t want to be here. He doesn’t want to live in North Dakota. And he doesn’t do his job. For those reasons and more, he needs to resign. Burgum hasn’t governed or been present in months, and I’ll give you an example. North Dakota lost two police officers in the line of duty. One to a murderous butcher in Fargo, and the other to a drug addict in rural, Western North Dakota. Burgum didn’t attend either of those funerals. He wouldn’t leave his national campaign to show those families that North Dakota cares.
Don't miss these national stories!
Jan. 6 Insurgency Redux: More Than Trump “The Worst Enemy …Is Denial” Ex-Senator Warns; Sundance Film ‘War Game’ Plays Out 2025 Military Revolt
“Everybody wants to pinpoint this on the former President Trump, but this was ripe ground for a long, long time,” points out former Senator Heitkamp, who plays a senior advisor to Bullock’s extremely measured President Hotham in War Game. “So, I think that the worst enemy for us in meeting this challenge is denial,” Heitkamp continues, outraged at how the jailed insurrectionists of Jan. 6, 2021 are referred to as “hostages” by Trump and his supporters.
“Where we get into challenges is when people equate having this discussion with curtailing conservative thought. There is a difference between, you know, insurrectionist thought and conservative thought, and that line is often blurred in the political discourse,” the ex-one term Senator laments. “It’s got to be a common purpose to defend our democracy, but also have that space for everybody’s political thought to be represented, as long as it’s not insurrectionist.”
UAW: 'Biden bet on the American worker, while Trump blamed the American worker'
On Wednesday, the United Auto Workers Union officially endorsed Joe Biden, highlighting his unwavering support for American workers. UAW President Shawn Fain praised Biden for standing with union members during their historic strike, stating that “Joe Biden bet on the American worker, while Donald Trump blamed the American worker! … If our endorsements must be earned, Joe Biden has earned it!” The Morning Joe panel discuss the significance of the endorsement.
E. Jean Carroll jury decides Trump must pay $83.3 million
A Manhattan federal jury said Friday that Donald Trump has to pay $83.3 million for defaming E. Jean Carroll.
The breakdown of the award is $65 million in punitive damages and $18.3 million in compensatory damages.
The 'blue wall' will hold for Biden in the Midwest, says governor
Gov. Tim Walz, D-Minn., joins Morning Joe to discuss the Biden campaign's response to Trump's win in New Hampshire.
Trump’s White House Pharmacy Handed Out Drugs Like Candy: Report
While Trump lived under the White House roof, the pharmacy reportedly kept messy, handwritten records, spent lavishly on brand-name medications, and failed to comply with a slew of federal law and Department of Defense regulations governing the handling, distribution, and disposal of prescription medication.
US growth shatters expectations, boosting Biden’s economic pitch
In a roundtable with reporters Wednesday, Yellen drew a sharp contrast between Biden and Trump, who also oversaw an economy with unemployment that fell below 4 percent.
“Cutting taxes for the rich and hoping that the benefits trickle down, broadly, is not the right strategy,” she said.
Because of Donald Trump, as of 2022, one out of every three people of reproductive age live under an abortion ban. And as of 2023, over 25 million women live in states where they can no longer make decisions about their own bodies. Women like Kate Cox have had to flee their home states just to access life-saving medical care. Doctors have been threatened with jail just for doing their job — and Donald Trump is proud to take full credit for all that cruelty.
Harris: House Republicans don’t want immigration fix because ‘they want a political issue to run on in November’
“Sadly, it has become so deeply partisan and the subject of then political gamesmanship, when in fact, the solutions are at hand,” Harris said when asked about the administration’s handling of immigration on Katie Couric’s iHeart podcast, “Next Question with Katie Couric.”
Biden wins the New Hampshire primary after Democrats write him on the ballot
President Biden won the New Hampshire Democratic primary on Tuesday, an unusual race that he skipped after his party changed its rules in favor of seeing South Carolina hold the first nominating contest of the year.
As a result, Biden wasn't on the printed ballot. But Biden won regardless, according to a race call by The Associated Press.
Raped, pregnant and in an abortion ban state? Researchers gauge how often it happens
"Having had my autonomy stripped of me that night that I was raped, having the ability to make that choice of — can I take back control of my body and either keep or abort? — was so, so pivotal to my healing," she explains.
President Joe Biden signs bill to avoid a partial government shutdown
The bill averts what would’ve been a partial government shutdown starting Saturday. It does not address additional aid for Ukraine, which remains in limbo as key legislators continue to negotiate a border security measure that would go in tandem with more support for Kyiv.
Former Trump adviser on Biden’s economy: ‘I would be bragging about it, too’
“I’m an honest broker. He got a good 3.3 percent [gross domestic product] number for the fourth quarter, following a good 4.9 percent in the third quarter, OK. If I were he, I would be bragging about it, too. And inflation has come down,” Kudlow said on his Fox Business Network show Thursday.
Why Trump fears a Biden-GOP immigration deal
Such blatant hackery, though, reveals the selfishness that’s always been core to who Trump is — he’s happy to throw the country under the bus for his own personal gain, as most famously demonstrated in his attempt to shred democracy rather than admit defeat in the 2020 election.
The Century Club supports our year-round work to build party infrastructure supporting candidate recruitment, local district and regional leadership, issue-based education, and tools for Dem-NPL success.
Help us elect great Democrats up and down the ballot!
The North Dakota Democratic-NPL is launching a new grassroots program called “Neighbor to Neighbor” where volunteers will connect with voters in your community to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for connecting with voters in 25 homes in your neighborhood or friends and family to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot about 3-4 times this year.
Grassroots organizers are the lifeblood of the Dem-NPL! Sign up to volunteer with the Dem-NPL!