Dem-NPL State Convention - Friday
Join us in Fargo for the Official ND Democratic-NPL State Convention! Become a delegate and participate in active democracy! We will officially nominate candidates for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, Governor & Lt. Governor, State Auditor, State Treasurer, Insurance Commissioner, and Public Service Commissioner. Most activities will happen on Friday and Saturday. Friday Schedule 9:00am - Vendor Booths Set-up Begins 9:30am …
Welcome to the North Dakota Democratic-NPL Insider, a newsletter that features regular updates about upcoming Dem-NPL events, legislative happenings, and news that affects North Dakotans! If you would like to have something added to the newsletter, email us at [email protected]. Spread the word of our newsletter by sharing our sign-up link today: https://demnpl.com/join-our-newsletter/.
Beto O’Rourke is coming to MINOT! You read that right, the former U.S. Congressman and presidential candidate will be at Main Street Books on February 21, 2024 for “a candid talk about protecting our sacred right to vote and what it will take to save our democracy at this critical moment of truth.”
You’ll recall that in 2021, Ted Cruz fled Texas to the warmth of Cancun when a terrible winter storm left millions of Texans without power or heat in deathly freezing temperatures. At that same time, Beto engaged his massive volunteer base to help senior citizens find resources to stay safe. In a single day, they made over 151,000 calls! In a tweet about this work, Beto wrote, "One of our vols talked to a man stranded at home w/out power in Killeen, hadn’t eaten in 2 days, got him a ride to a warming center and a hot meal"
Now he’s fighting to protect the right to vote. In promoting his new book WE’VE GOT TO TRY: How the Fight for Voting Rights Makes Everything Else Possible, Beto has chosen to travel to states that have seen some of the harshest attacks on voting rights. We know that Republican lawmakers in Bismarck have sinisterly fought to make it harder for North Dakotans to vote, and while this isn’t a Dem-NPL sponsored event, we’re excited to see Beto taking this fight to where it is needed most!
- Laura Dronen, Communications and Digital Director
District Conventions
February 6, 2024 – March 16, 2024
Legislative Districts will have District Conventions between Feb 6 and March 16. See below or contact your District Chair for information about your district’s convention.
All districts will elect delegates to the North Dakota Democratic-NPL State Convention.
Even-numbered districts will nominate candidates for the North Dakota State House and Senate
2024 District 44 Steak Fry
Thursday, February 15, 2024 – 5:30 PM
Fargo AMVETS 1001 1st Avenue South, Fargo
Join us for our annual fundraiser to help re-elect our legislators! Reserve your steak today!
For a free-will donation, your District 44 leaders will serve you a made-to-order steak (or vegan option), baked potato, salad, and dessert.
Note: At this time, the AmVets does not allow children in the bar/restaurant area.
2024 DNC National Convention Delegate Info Session: ND Delegation
Wednesday, February 21, 2024 – 5:30 PM
Are you considering running to become a National Delegate at the 2024 DNC National Convention in Chicago, August 19-22? The Dem-NPL is hosting a virtual info session on Wednesday, Feb 21 @ 5:30pm CST. Click on the link below to register!
DNC National Delegate applications are due April 2nd, 2024, and elections will occur at the ND Dem-NPL State Convention in Fargo on Saturday, April 6th in the morning. All candidates must fill out the National Delegate application form and find an individual to submit a written nomination speech. Each candidate will also provide a 1-2 minute speech on stage at the State Convention.
*Elected National Delegates are expected to cover all of their own expenses.*
If you would like more comprehensive information about the DNC National Delegate process, expectations, and requirements, please email [email protected] and more information will be provided.
Executive Committee Meeting
Wednesday, February 21, 2024 – 7:00 PM
Executive Committee Meeting of the North Dakota Democratic-NPL. Normally this occurs every second Wednesday, but February's has been moved to the 21st because of Valentine's Day. For more information contact Adam Goldwyn at [email protected]
District 21 Speed Dating – Meet Your Neighbors
Thursday, February 22, 2024 – 5:30 PM
Drekker Brewhalla 1666 1st Ave. N. Fargo
Meet your District 21 neighbors! We will also have an art auction featuring works from Emily Williams Wheeler, Ross Collins, and more!
North Dakota Democratic-NPL State Convention
Thursday, April 4 – Sunday, April 7, 2024
Join us in Fargo for the Official ND Democratic-NPL State Convention!
Become a delegate and participate in active democracy! We will officially nominate candidates for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, Governor & Lt. Governor, State Auditor, State Treasurer, Insurance Commissioner, and Public Service Commissioner. Most activities will happen on Friday and Saturday.
You can now request a ballot for the North Dakota Democratic Presidential Primary. Ballots can be requested at MRGballot.com.
Ballots will start being mailed out on February 20, and must be received by Saturday, March 30, 2024. Ballots requested before February 7 will go out on February 20, and requests after February 7 will be fulfilled as they come in.
Candidates who will appear on the ballot are:
Armando "Mando" Perez-Serrato
North Dakota will send 19 delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. This vote will determine the proportion of delegates pledged to each presidential candidate. Delegates to the National Convention will be elected at the North Dakota Democratic-NPL State Convention in Fargo on April 4-7.
Get involved in your local district! District Conventions will happen between Feb 6 and March 16. At District Conventions, Even Districts, District 9, and District 15 will endorse candidates for the state legislature. Every district will elect delegates to the State Convention. We'll keep you up to date as more conventions are scheduled! The following is arranged by district:
Joint District Conventions
Bismarck-Mandan District Conventions
Saturday, February 24 — 10:00 AM
Horizon Middle School 500 Ash Coulee Dr, Bismarck, ND 58503
Join us to learn more about how the Bismarck-Mandan area Districts are planning to work together to get candidates in the even-numbered Districts elected this fall. We will hear from candidates running for statewide office as well.
The Order of events will be: Opening Comments Introduction of statewide candidates District Breakout Sessions Closing Comments
Coffee and donuts are on offer to sweeten the deal.
Bismarck-Mandan Democratic-NPL Districts include 7, 8, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 47.
Cass County District Conventions
Saturday, March 2 — 10:00 AM
Ben Franklin Middle School 1420 8th St N., Fargo, ND 58102
Join us for Legislative Candidate Endorsements, State Convention Delegate elections, and good conversation with other local Democrats. Stay tuned for more information to come!
Cass County Democratic-NPL Districts include 10, 11, 13, 16, 21, 22, 27, 41, 44, 45, 46.
Northern Valley District Conventions
Join us for Legislative Candidate Endorsements and State Convention Delegate elections. More information to come!
This includes Districts 17, 18, 20, 42, and 43.
Souris Valley District Conventions
Saturday, March 9 — 10:00 AM
Tired of the ugly, corrupt, right-wing Culture Warrior extremism taking over North Dakota? The Souris Valley Dem-NPL is here to help.
Our District Reorganization and Candidate Endorsement Convention for Districts 3, 5, 38, and 40, is scheduled to take place on Saturday, March 9th from 10AM-2PM at the IBEW Local 714 Hall (125 35th Ave NE, Minot, ND) in northwest Minot. Anyone who is a resident of District 3, 5, 38, or 40 who shares the ideals of the Dem-NPL is free to attend and participate. There are no party dues or other requirements for participation.
The purpose of our District Conventions is to elect new leadership for each Dem-NPL district organization, endorse candidates for the state legislature, and select delegates to attend the North Dakota Democratic-NPL State Convention. State Representative Joshua Boschee of Fargo will be in attendance as a guest speaker.
The leadership of each Dem-NPL district organization is tasked with the important work of organizing fellow Dem-NPLers in the district to help support our candidates up and down the ballot. District 38 and District 40 will be endorsing legislative candidates to represent the Dem-NPL in this year’s elections. Delegates will attend the Dem-NPL State Convention in Fargo from April 4-7 and vote on items like the party platform and statewide candidate endorsements, as well as have the opportunity to meet and socialize with Dem-NPLers from across the state.
We hope you'll join us to help bring balance and common-sense back to North Dakota's state government. The Democratic-NPL and citizens of North Dakota need bright, upstanding people of conscience to be involved now more than ever.
This includes Districts 3, 5, 38, and 40.
Single District Conventions
District 1
Saturday, March 16 — 2:00 PM
Williston State College, 4th Floor of the dorm
1410 University Ave, Williston, ND 58801
Join us for the District 1 Dem-NPL Convention! The purpose of this convention is to elect 4 delegates to the State Convention.
District 2
Saturday, February 24 — 2:00 PM
Join us for the District 2 Dem-NPL Convention! The purpose of this convention is to endorse legislative candidates and elect 5 delegates to the State Convention.
District 6
Saturday, February 24 — 3:30 PM
A district-wide, virtual event. Special guests to be announced later.
Email [email protected] for credentials. The purpose of this convention is to endorse legislative candidates and elect 8 delegates to the State Convention.
District 12
Sunday, March 3 — 3:00 PM
The purpose of this convention is to endorse legislative candidates and elect 10 delegates to the State Convention.
District 15
Thursday, February 15 — 7:00 PM
Lake Region Public Library 423 7th Street NE, Devils Lake, ND 58301
Join us for the District 15 Dem-NPL Convention!
The purpose of this convention is to endorse legislative candidates and elect 11 delegates to the State Convention.
District 19
Saturday, February 19 — 2:00 - 4:00 PM
141 Harvey Ave, Minto, ND
Join us for our District Convention February 17 in Minto at Beaver's Cafe. 2pm-4pm with social hour to follow at the Harvey Avenue.
District 23
Saturday, March 16 — 2:00 PM
Williston State College, 4th Floor of the dorm
1410 University Ave, Williston, ND 58801
Join us for the District 23 Dem-NPL Convention! The purpose of this convention is to elect 2 delegates to the State Convention.
District 24 with Special Guest speaker Joel Heitkamp
Sunday, February 18 — 2:00 PM
Gaukler Family Wellness Center 733 8th Avenue SW, Valley City 58072
We hope to see you Sunday, February 18th at 2pm at the Gaukler Family Wellness Center for coffee, cookies, and conversation at this year’s Convention!
This is your chance to hear from 2024 candidates, leading Dem-NPLers like Joel, and fellow neighbors who share your Dem-NPL values!
Attend and vote on Endorsing 2024 Candidates & Adopting the District 24 Dem-NPL Platform! We’ll see you there!
The purpose of this convention is to endorse legislative candidates and elect 13 delegates to the State Convention.
District 25
Sunday, March 3 — 4:00 PM
Boiler Room 404 Dakota Ave., Wahpeton, ND 58075
Please mark your calendar for our next District 25 convention! We will elect 12 delegates from District 25 to the state convention which is in Fargo this year. Hope to see you there!
The Democratic-NPL is a grassroots organized political party. Meetings are open to anyone who voted for, or plans to vote for Democratic-NPL candidates or simply affiliates themselves with the Party’s ideals. The purpose of this convention is to elect 12 delegates to the State Convention.
District 28
Sunday, February 11 — 1:00 PM
Growing Small Towns 510 Main Ave. Oakes, ND 58474
Join us for District 28 Dem-NPL officer elections, candidate endorsements, and an afternoon of lighthearted fun. Light refreshments will be served.
The purpose of this convention is to endorse legislative candidates and elect 10 delegates to the State Convention.
District 29
Saturday, February 24 — 1:00 PM
204 Main Street, Pekin, ND 58361
Join us for the District 29 Dem-NPL Convention!
The purpose of this convention is to elect 11 delegates to the State Convention.
District 36
Saturday, March 2 — 12:00 - 2:00 PM
The Press Box at Players Sports Bar & Grill 2050 1st Ave E, Dickinson, ND
Join us for the District 36 Dem-NPL Convention to elect delegates to the State Convention and nominate candidates for the North Dakota State Legislature!
District 37
Saturday, March 2 — 2:00 - 4:00 PM
The Press Box at Players Sports Bar & Grill 2050 1st Ave E, Dickinson, ND
Join us for the District 37 Dem-NPL Convention to elect delegates to the State Convention!
District 39
Saturday, March 2— 10:00 AM - noon
The Press Box at Players Sports Bar & Grill 2050 1st Ave E, Dickinson, ND
Join us for the District 39 Dem-NPL Convention to elect delegates to the State Convention!
Read what North Dakotans are talking about and learn how news right here in the Peace Garden State is impacting you
District 12 Dem-NPL District kicks off election year with Winter Blue Dinner
Kathy Hogan, Dem-NPL Senate leader, highlighted the work the caucus accomplished in the past session toward issues that affect the everyday lives of North Dakotans, including improving support for child care access and providers, property tax relief, suicide prevention, workforce retention and support, and an expansion of North Dakota’s school meal program. Adam Goldwyn, current Dem-NPL state party chair, challenged the room to meet this year with a sense of duty to participate in the democracy created for people by the founders of this nation.
Beto O'Rourke Visits Main Street Books!
Join Beto O’Rourke for a candid talk about protecting our sacred right to vote and what it will take to save our democracy at this critical moment of truth.
As a former Texas congressman and founder of the voting rights and voter registration organization Powered By People, Beto is uniquely qualified to explain both the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead as we approach the most consequential elections of our time.
Tickets to this event include discussion with Beto and the opportunity to purchase a signed copy of his latest book, WE’VE GOT TO TRY: How the Fight for Voting Rights Makes Everything Else Possible.
Declaring conflicts of interest rare for North Dakota lawmakers
“There seems to be this difficulty in actually applying them,” Binstock said. She said as a result, lawmakers aren’t declaring conflicts as often as they should.
One state representative — Rep. Jason Dockter, a Bismarck Republican — was charged with a conflict of interest-related crime in December. Court records indicate the Ethics Commission referred the case for prosecution.
Fargo Democrats to host coffee meetup
Sen. Ryan Braunberger and Rep. Hamida Dakane will meet residents at 10 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 10, at Caribou Coffee, 4484 15th Ave. S. The event is open to the public, and residents from District 10, which Braunberger and Dakane represent, are encouraged to attend.
Letter: More needs to be done to erase school lunch debt in North Dakota
As we all know, school nutrition programs are critical to the health and well-being of kids in our state and their ability to learn and grow. The state legislature had the opportunity to eliminate this issue entirely with the original version of House Bill 1491, which would have provided free school meals for all of North Dakota's children. Unfortunately, the legislature ultimately vetoed any additional aid to struggling families until a portion of funding was reworked into SB 2284. This is not enough.
Lindaas Barn Dance board releases schedule of upcoming summer dances
Elroy Lindaas and his band of musical performers will kick off the dance season Saturday, June 1 with free dance lessons from 7 to 7:30 p.m. followed by a dance from 7:30 to 10 p.m.
Additional dances have been scheduled: Saturday, June 22; Saturday, July 13; Sunday, July 14 (Bluegrass Sunday at 2 p.m.); Saturday, Aug. 3; Saturday, Aug. 24; and Saturday Sept. 14.
'Straw donor’ illegally gave money to super PAC that supported Doug Burgum's presidential run, group claims
“Straw donor schemes like the one behind Head East LLC are harmful because they deprive voters of their right to know who is spending to try and influence their votes and our government,” said Saurav Ghosh, director of federal campaign finance reform at Campaign Legal Center. “To reduce political corruption, we need real transparency about who is spending this money so that politicians can no longer receive unlimited, secret money from wealthy special interests to support their campaigns.”
ND Dem NPL congressional candidate Hammer on border security: "we don't need knee jerk reactions"
"I understand the need for border control. I think what we don't need are knee jerk reactions. But yes we definitely need to make the border more secure," said Trygve Hammer.
Hammer attended the Naval Academy and served as a helicopter pilot and a platoon commander while deployed in Iraq.
Shaw: Why did Drew Wrigley oppose Donald Trump’s gag order?
Oh, please. Have Wrigley and the others not seen the video from Jan. 6? Are they unaware that Trump incited a violent coup attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election? Are they unaware that Trump’s followers were out to hang Mike Pence and harm members of Congress? Are they unaware that Trump watched all of this on television for hours and did nothing to stop it?
For Wrigley and the others to argue that the case is motivated by partisan politics is insulting, not to mention motivated by, you guessed it, partisan politics. The attorneys general are sucking up to their cult leader, Donald Trump.
ND U.S. Senate candidate Katrina Christiansen: "supporting Ukraine puts America first"
"We need to say that supporting Ukraine puts America first. Russia is counting on America losing interest here. If we fail to support Ukraine, Putin wins," said Katrina Christiansen.
Christiansen says if Russia wins, then that's also a win for China, Iran, and North Korea.
Burleigh County Auditor Mark Splonskowski should be sent packing by voters
Traynor also suggested that Splonskowski could face removal from office by the governor, and even criminal charges, should he pursue his objections in this matter to the point where he refuses to fulfill the duties of his office.
Judge Traynor was right to flag this. The MAGA movement has become insidious. It's not just a lot of blowhard, bootlicking "influencers" on social media and low-rent cable shows. They'rerunning for and winning election to positions of local influence.
Lisa Hermosillo hopes to represent ND's District 38
Lisa Hermosillo has announced she will be seeking the Democratic-NPL endorsement to the North Dakota House of Representatives for District 38 in Minot. Derek Hanson fills in for Joel to ask her about her main goals if elected, how she plans to fix property taxes, childcare, and more.
Don't miss these national stories!
How Trump could weaken Medicare drug pricing negotiations
The Biden administration last week kicked off negotiations over the first set of 10 high-cost drugs, a milestone for Democrats who long supported leveraging the government's purchasing power to rein in drug prices.
Trump does not have presidential immunity in January 6 case, federal appeals court rules
“It would be a striking paradox if the President, who alone is vested with the constitutional duty to ‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, were the sole officer capable of defying those laws with impunity,” they wrote.
The judges flatly rejected Trump’s claim that his criminal indictment would have a “chilling effect” on future presidents.
“Moreover, past Presidents have understood themselves to be subject to impeachment and criminal liability, at least under certain circumstances, so the possibility of chilling executive action is already in effect,” the opinion says.
Republicans point fingers after embarrassing defeats
Privately, however, some Republicans are directing their ire at Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), seeing the double defeat as a byproduct of his inexperience.
“Look, you give the guy some grace because, you know, he’s newer, he wasn’t in the room and kind of getting the training to lead up to this position as we had with other Speakers,” said a GOP lawmaker granted anonymity to speak candidly. “But that was a really massive failure.”
What Biden’s Critics Get Wrong About His Gaffes
This is why Biden’s signature moments as a politician have been not set-piece speeches, but off-the-cuff encounters, such as when he knelt to engage elderly Holocaust survivors in Israel so they would not have to stand, and when he befriended a security guard in an elevator at The New York Times on his way to a meeting with the paper’s editorial board, which declined to endorse him. And it’s why Biden’s key accomplishments—such as the landmark climate-change provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act, the country’s first gun-control bill in decades, and the expected expansion of the child tax credit—have come through Congress. The president’s strength is not orating, but legislating; not inspiring a crowd, but connecting with individuals.
IRS says it will collect $560 billion more from rich tax cheats thanks to Inflation Reduction Act
The Congressional Budget Office in 2022 estimated that the tens of billions of new IRS funding provided by the IRA would increase revenues by $180.4 billion from 2022 to 2031. The IRS now says that if IRA funding is restored, renewed and diversified, estimated revenues could reach as much as $851 billion from 2024 to 2034.
Administration officials are using the report to promote President Joe Biden’s economic agenda as he campaigns for reelection — and as the IRS continually faces threats to its funding.
“This analysis demonstrates that President Biden’s investment in rebuilding the IRS will reduce the deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars by making the wealthy and big corporations pay the taxes they owe,” National Economic Adviser Lael Brainard said in a statement.
'None of these candidates' takes the Nevada Republican primary, dealing Haley a blow
Instead, the former South Carolina governor will have to spin a loss in a primary where she was the only major candidate on the ballot. Nevada voters have a "none of these candidates" option on their primary ballots which received the highest percentage of votes.
Representative Raskin Blames Trump for Stalling Bipartisan Border Deal
“The Republicans have been demanding for months that there be a border compromise and they've gotten most of what they've wanted here. And so they're just not taking yes for an answer. We know why. Donald Trump has told them that he needs an issue to run on now that abortion has been taken away because the country rejects their extremist theocratic anti-abortion policies so they want to run on immigration instead. But they won't take yes for an answer. On the policy, they would rather impeach the guy who's up there negotiating the deal with the senators. So again, it's just an embarrassment to Congress and the Republicans need to be swiftly and categorically repudiated for the do-nothing policies and the distractions and the evasions of all of their work here.”
WSAV: VP Harris Visits Georgia on Reproductive Freedoms Tour
Vice President Kamala Harris in Savannah today, rallying for reproductive rights, speaking on her expertise as a former prosecutor, a former senator, and a woman… She says that she and elected officials agree that Savannah has benefited from the Biden administration. She then went into what she calls a ‘medical crisis,’ speaking to the difficulties women are facing to get abortions or access contraception in states such as Georgia – these, she says, are byproducts of Roe v. Wade being overturned.
Special counsel warns of 'significant and immediate' threat to Mar-a-Lago case witnesses
The decision risks exposing them to “significant and immediate” intimidation after the government fought to keep their information private, according to the filing.
“Revelation of these witnesses’ identities, or the substance of their interviews with the FBI, dangerously risks exposing them,” said the special counsel, pointing to a “well-documented pattern” of “threats, harassment, and intimidation” against those involved in cases against Trump.
Cannon “has suffered similar death threats,” prosecutors for Smith write.
WNEM: Buttigieg Meets With Union Members in Michigan
Pete Buttigieg spent yesterday in Michigan campaigning for President Biden. He addressed the crowd at the Kent County Democratic Party Headquarters in Grand Rapids and mingled with supporters at a coffee shop. He also made a stop in Lansing to meet with union members.
7 questions about migration and the US-Mexico border, answered
Those numbers are largely driven by migrants coming from Central and South America, the Caribbean, Cuba, and Haiti, though Chinese migrants are the fastest-growing group of arrivals.
Many of those intercepted at the border are turned away immediately under current policies, but those who are allowed to pursue their claims for asylum or humanitarian relief can either be detained or released into the US while undergoing deportation proceedings that can stretch out for years.
Democrats blast special counsel Robert Hur's Biden report as 'inappropriate' and 'politically motivated'
"I know there’s some attention paid to some language in the report about my recollection of events. There’s even reference that I don’t remember when my son died," Biden told reporters.
He added, "How in the hell dare he raise that? Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought to myself, wasn’t any of their damn business."
The Century Club supports our year-round work to build party infrastructure supporting candidate recruitment, local district and regional leadership, issue-based education, and tools for Dem-NPL success.
Help us elect great Democrats up and down the ballot!
The North Dakota Democratic-NPL is launching a new grassroots program called “Neighbor to Neighbor” where volunteers will connect with voters in your community to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for connecting with voters in 25 homes in your neighborhood or friends and family to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot about 3-4 times this year.
Grassroots organizers are the lifeblood of the Dem-NPL! Sign up to volunteer with the Dem-NPL!