I have some exciting news!
The Bismarck/Mandan Democratic-NPL Party is rebuilding an aggressive coordinated campaign to support and elect legislative candidates from Districts 8, 30, 32, and 34. In a recent “call to action” meeting more than 65 party enthusiasts met to kick off our Bismarck/Mandan Dem-NPL strategy and since that meeting in early November we are making significant progress. We now have volunteers working on nine committees.
Most importantly our Leadership team is preparing a coordinated campaign plan that will ensure candidates have the right strategy, a targeted persuasion plan, along with voter ID and a get out-the-vote (GOTV) up and running early next year.
So many of you have reached out and asked, “how can I help?” Your contribution of $10, $25, $50, $100 or any amount will make a difference. Let’s do this, we can make democracy work for all citizens.
Make a financial contribution to the Bismarck/Mandan Dem-NPL organization online
or write a check to
Bis/Man Dem-NPL
PO Box 7431
Bismarck, ND 58502
Supporters from all seven Bismarck/Mandan districts will work aggressively for the four districts waging a campaign this cycle, and, in turn, all districts will engage in a coordinated campaign plan to win seats in the odd-numbered districts next cycle.
Our democracy needs our utmost attention and commitment, right now. We cannot sit back and let our nation, state, and local governments slither into autocracy. We are Americans and —North Dakotans—and we must work together at this difficult moment to preserve our democracy and protect our constitutional freedoms.
Without your support, it will be difficult for our candidates to succeed. Please commit to helping in whatever amount you can. The next generation is counting on us!
On behalf of the Bismarck/Mandan Dem-NPL Leadership Council, thank you and have a Happy Holiday season.
Bismarck/Mandan Democratic-NPL